Additional resources
- Glassery
- lens ipynb
- operators
- optics derivation
- Plated - for recursive data structures
- Optics are monoids - just
- a union of disjoint traversals
- Putting Lenses to Work
- Tree numbering -
- package generic-lens
- Uses
to generate lenses and prisms for instances ofGeneric
. - Allows to avoid
and have more flexible order of expressions in a module. - The disadvantage is runtime costs connected with the usage of generics.
- Uses
Optics by example
Notes on Optics by example.
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
module Book (main) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Unsound (adjoin, lensProduct)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT))
import Control.Monad.State ( MonadIO(liftIO), StateT, modify, runState, MonadState(get) )
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, WriterT, execWriter, tell)
import Data.Bitraversable (Bitraversable)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Char (chr, isUpper, ord, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Either.Validation ( Validation(..) )
import Data.Foldable (Foldable (..))
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Map (fromList)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set qualified as S (Set, fromList)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lens (unpacked)
import Data.Tree (Tree (..))
import GHC.Word qualified
import Numeric.Lens (adding, multiplying, negated)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Map as Map
main :: IO ()
main = print "hello"
3. Lenses
- A Lens must focus ONE thing inside a structure.
- A Lens must never fail to get or set that focus.
3.1 Introduction to Lenses
Exercises - Optic Anatomy
Find: action, path, structure, focus
-- This will be evaluated by HLS
-- >>> view (_1 . _2) ((1, 2), 3)
-- 2
-- This will be evaluated by ghcid
-- $> print "Hello"
- action: 'view'
- path:
(_1 . _2)
- structure:
((1, 2), 3)
- focus:
-- >>> set (_2 . _Left) "new" (False, Left "old")
-- (False,Left "new")
- action:
- path:
(_2 . _Left)
- structure:
(False, Left "old")
- focus:
-- >>> over (taking 2 worded . traversed) toUpper "testing one two three"
-- "TESTING ONE two three"
- action:
- path:
(taking 2 worded . traversed)
- structure:
"testing one two three"
- focus:
"testing one"
-- >>>foldOf (both . each) (["super", "cali"],["fragilistic", "expialidocious"])
-- "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
- action:
- path:
(both . each)
- structure:
(["super", "cali"],["fragilistic", "expialidocious"])
- focus:
["super", "cali", "fragilistic", "expilidocious"]
3.2 Lens Actions
-- >>>view _1 ('a', 'b')
-- 'a'
-- >>> set _1 'x' ('a', 'b')
-- ('x','b')
-- >>> over _1 (*100) (1, 2)
-- (100,2)
Exercises - Lens Actions
ex1 :: Lens' (Char, Int) Char ex1 = undefined
Lens actions:
- get
- set
- modify
focus on
-- >>>view _3 ('a','b','c') -- 'c' -- >>>s = over _2 (*10) (False, 2) -- >>>:t s -- s :: Num b => (Bool, b) -- >>>s -- (False,20)
3.3 Lenses and records
data Ship = Ship {_name :: String, _numCrew :: Int} deriving (Show)
name_ :: Lens' Ship String
name_ = lens getName setName
getName :: Ship -> String
getName = _name
setName :: Ship -> String -> Ship
setName ship _name = ship{_name}
purplePearl :: Ship
purplePearl = Ship{_name = "Purple Pearl", _numCrew = 38}
apply lens
-- >>>view name_ purplePearl -- "Purple Pearl" -- >>>over name_ (const "Purple Pearl") purplePearl -- Ship {_name = "Purple Pearl", _numCrew = 38} makeLenses ''Ship -- >>>:t name -- name :: Lens' Ship String
Exercises - Records Part Two
data Spuzz data Chumble gazork :: Functor f => (Spuzz -> f Spuzz) -> Chumble -> f Chumble gazork = undefined gazork_ :: Lens' Spuzz Chumble gazork_ = undefined
3.4 Limitations
Lens - An optic which always accesses exactly one focus.
Can make both a getter and a setter
get1 :: (a, b, c) -> b get1 (_, b, _) = b set1 :: (a, b, c) -> b -> (a, b, c) set1 (a, _, c) b_ = (a, b_, c)
Can't get from
, so, can't haveinMaybe :: Lens' (Maybe a) a
not fail sometimesget2 :: Maybe a -> a get2 (Just a) = a get2 _ = undefined
Similar situation with
left :: Lens' (Either a b) a
No, a list may have < 2 elements
Yes, you always can set and get a value, and there'll be only one value focused
conditional :: Lens' (Bool, a, a) a conditional = undefined
3.5 Lens Laws
Allow to reason about a lens' behavior.
- You get back what you set (set-get)
view myLens (set myLens newValue structure) == newValue
- Setting back what you got doesn't do anything (get-set)
set myLens (view myLens structure) structure == structure
- Setting twice is the same as setting once (set-set)
set myLens differentValue (set myLens value structure) == set myLens differentValue structure
Unlawful lenses
When using unlawful lenses in a library, should write a note.
combines two lenses to get a new one
- these lenses should be disjoint. Otherwise, how to set?
newtype Ex1 = Ex1 {_unEx1 :: String} deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Ex1
alongsideEx1 :: Lens' Ex1 (Ex1, String)
alongsideEx1 = lensProduct id unEx1
ex3 :: Ex1
ex3 = Ex1 "c"
ex4 :: (Ex1, String)
ex4 = (Ex1 "a", "b")
-- ex5 :: Bool
ex5 :: (Ex1, String)
ex5 = view alongsideEx1 (set alongsideEx1 ex4 ex3)
We don't get back what we set:
-- >>>ex5
-- (Ex1 {_unEx1 = "b"},"b")
-- >>>ex4 == ex5
-- False
Exercises - Laws
break2 :: Lens' Ex1 String break2 = lens (const "1") (\_ _ -> Ex1 "2") ex6 :: String ex6 = view break2 ex3 -- >>>ex6 -- "1" ex7 :: Ex1 ex7 = set break2 ex6 ex3 -- >>>ex7 -- Ex1 {_unEx1 = "2"}
failsdata Err = ReallyBadError {_msg :: String} | ExitCode {_code :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq) msg :: Lens' Err String msg = lens getMsg setMsg where getMsg (ReallyBadError message) = message -- Hrmm, I guess we just return ""? getMsg (ExitCode _) = "" setMsg (ReallyBadError _) newMessage = ReallyBadError newMessage -- Nowhere to set it, I guess we do nothing? setMsg (ExitCode n) _ = ExitCode n err :: Err err = ExitCode 3 msgTest :: Bool msgTest = view msg (set msg "a" err) /= "a" && set msg (view msg err) err == err && set msg "a" (set msg "a" err) == set msg "a" err -- >>>msgTest -- True
, pass othermsg1 :: Lens' Err String msg1 = lens getMsg setMsg where getMsg (ReallyBadError message) = message -- Hrmm, I guess we just return ""? getMsg (ExitCode _) = "" setMsg (ReallyBadError _) newMessage = ReallyBadError newMessage -- Nowhere to set it, I guess we do nothing? setMsg (ExitCode _) x = ReallyBadError x msg1Test :: Bool msg1Test = set msg1 (view msg1 err) err /= err && set msg1 "a" (set msg1 "a" err) == set msg1 "a" err && view msg1 (set msg1 "a" err) == "a" -- >>>msg1Test -- True
data Sink = A Int | B String deriving (Show, Eq) sink :: Lens' Sink String sink = lens getSink setSink where getSink (A x) = show x getSink (B x) = x setSink (A _) x = B x setSink (B _) x = B x sinkEx :: Sink sinkEx = A 4 sinkTest :: Bool sinkTest = set sink (view sink sinkEx) sinkEx /= sinkEx && view sink (set sink "a" sinkEx) == "a" && set sink "a" (set sink "a" sinkEx) == set sink "a" sinkEx -- >>>sinkTest -- True
break all rules
newtype Break = Break String deriving (Show, Eq) break_ :: Break break_ = Break "hey" breakAll :: Lens' Break String breakAll = lens get_ set_ where get_ (Break _) = "!" set_ (Break s) x = Break $ s ++ x breakAllTest :: Bool breakAllTest = set breakAll (view breakAll break_) break_ /= break_ && view breakAll (set breakAll "a" break_) /= "a" && set breakAll "a" (set breakAll "a" break_) /= set breakAll "a" break_ -- >>>breakAllTest -- True
data Builder = Builder { _context :: [String] , _build :: [String] -> String } instance Eq Builder where (==) :: Builder -> Builder -> Bool x == y = x._context == y._context builderLens :: Lens' Builder String builderLens = lens builderGet builderSet where builderGet (Builder{..}) = case _context of [] -> ""; s -> head s builderSet (Builder{..}) s = Builder{_context = case s of "" -> []; _ -> [s], ..} builder1 :: Builder builder1 = Builder{_context = [], _build = fold} builderTest :: Bool builderTest = set builderLens (view builderLens builder1) builder1 == builder1 && view builderLens (set builderLens "a" builder1) == "a" && view builderLens (set builderLens "" builder1) == "" && set builderLens "a" (set builderLens "a" builder1) == set builderLens "a" builder1 && set builderLens "" (set builderLens "" builder1) == set builderLens "" builder1 -- >>>builderTest -- True
3.6 Virtual Fields
Export only lenses, not constructors. This is to make importing modules independent of a type's inner representation.
For a data type, we can make lenses that hide some computations on the existing type's fields and lenses.
data Temperature = Temperature
{ _location :: String
, _celsius :: Float
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Temperature
celsiusToFahrenheit :: Float -> Float
celsiusToFahrenheit c = (c * (9 / 5)) + 32
fahrenheitToCelsius :: Float -> Float
fahrenheitToCelsius f = (f - 32) * (5 / 9)
fahrenheit :: Lens' Temperature Float
fahrenheit = lens getter setter
getter = celsiusToFahrenheit . view celsius
setter temp_ f = set celsius (fahrenheitToCelsius f) temp_
temp :: Temperature
temp = Temperature "Berlin" 7.0
-- >>>over fahrenheit (+18) temp
-- Temperature {_location = "Berlin", _celsius = 17.0}
When changing a field's name in the original data type, we can separately export a lens for the old field. This lens is calculated based on the updated type's fields and lenses.
data Temperature_ = Temperature_
{ _location_ :: String
, _kelvin_ :: Float
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Temperature_
celsius_ :: Lens' Temperature_ Float
celsius_ = lens getter setter
getter = subtract 273.15 . view kelvin_
setter temp_ c = set kelvin_ (c + 273.15) temp_
Exercises - Virtual Fields
substitute lens
data User = User { _firstName :: String , _lastName :: String , _userEmail :: String } deriving (Show) makeLenses ''User username :: Lens' User String username = lens getter setter where getter = view userEmail setter user_ s = set userEmail s user_
lensfullName :: Lens' User String fullName = lens getter setter where getter user_ = view firstName user_ ++ " " ++ view lastName user_ setter user_ f = let fname : (unwords -> lname) = words f in set firstName fname (set lastName lname user_) user :: User user = User "John" "Cena" "" -- >>>view fullName user -- "John Cena" -- >>>set fullName "Doctor of Thuganomics" user -- User {_firstName = "Doctor", _lastName = "of Thuganomics", _email = ""}
3.7 Data correction and maintaining invariants
We can provide some advanced logic in our setters and getters. E.g., saturate a number to a value between a pair of given values.
Exercises - Self-Correcting Lenses
and 2.
data ProducePrices = ProducePrices { _limePrice :: Float , _lemonPrice :: Float } deriving (Show) limePrice :: Lens' ProducePrices Float limePrice = lens getter setter where getter = _limePrice setter ProducePrices{..} p = ProducePrices { _limePrice = newLimePrice , _lemonPrice = if abs (_lemonPrice - newLimePrice) <= 0.5 then _lemonPrice else max (newLimePrice + signum (_lemonPrice - newLimePrice) * 0.5) 0 } where newLimePrice = max p 0 prices :: ProducePrices prices = ProducePrices 1.50 1.48 -- >>>set limePrice 2 prices -- ProducePrices {_limePrice = 2.0, _lemonPrice = 1.5} -- >>>set limePrice 1.8 prices -- ProducePrices {_limePrice = 1.8, _lemonPrice = 1.48} -- >>> set limePrice 1.63 prices -- ProducePrices {_limePrice = 1.63, _lemonPrice = 1.48} -- >>> set limePrice (-1.00) prices -- ProducePrices {_limePrice = 0.0, _lemonPrice = 0.5}
4 Polymorphic Optics
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
: structure before actiont
: structure after actiona
: focus before actionb
: focus after action
We need polymorphic lenses whenever an action might want to change the type of the focus.
ex8 :: ([Char], Int)
ex8 = over _1 show (1 :: Int, 1)
-- >>>ex8
-- ("1",1)
data Promotion a = Promotion
{ _item :: a
, _discountPercentage :: Double
deriving (Show)
4.2 When do we need polymorphic lenses
over :: Lens' s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s
Changing type variables with polymorphic lenses
item :: Lens (a, b) (c, b) a c
item = lens getter setter
getter :: (a, b) -> a
getter = fst
setter :: (a, b) -> c -> (c, b)
setter (_, b) c = (c, b)
Exercises - Polymorphic Lenses
data Vorpal a vorpal :: Lens (Vorpal a) (Vorpal b) a b vorpal = undefined
Polymorphic unlawful
data Preferences a = Preferences {_best :: a, _worst :: a} deriving (Show) best :: Lens (Preferences a) (Preferences b) a b best = lens getter setter where getter (Preferences a _) = a setter (Preferences _ _) c = Preferences{_best = c, _worst = c}
data Result e = Result {_lineNumber :: Int, _result :: Either e String} result :: Lens (Result a) (Result b) a b result = undefined
data Multi a b multi :: Lens (Multi a b) (Multi c d) (a, b) (c, d) multi = undefined
newtype Predicate a = Predicate (a -> Bool) predicate :: Lens (Predicate a) (Predicate b) (a -> Bool) (b -> Bool) predicate = lens getter setter where getter (Predicate x) = x setter (Predicate _) = Predicate
How do Lens Types Compose?
We compose Lens' a b
and Lens' b c
Inside, they are b -> a
and c -> b
so that we can compose them like (b -> a) . (c -> b)
ex9 :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) (c :: Type) (d :: Type) e f. (e -> f)
ex9 = (d . s) m
m :: a -> b
m = undefined
s :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d)
s = undefined
d :: (c -> d) -> (e -> f)
d = undefined
data Person
data Address
data StreetAddress
personAddressLens :: forall f. Functor f => (Address -> f Address) -> Person -> f Person
personAddressLens = undefined
personAddressLens_ :: Lens Person Person Address Address
personAddressLens_ = undefined
addressStreetLens :: forall f. Functor f => (StreetAddress -> f StreetAddress) -> Address -> f Address
addressStreetLens = undefined
addressStreetLens_ :: Lens Address Address StreetAddress StreetAddress
addressStreetLens_ = undefined
personStreetLens :: Functor f => (StreetAddress -> f StreetAddress) -> Person -> f Person
personStreetLens = personAddressLens . addressStreetLens
personStreet :: StreetAddress
personStreet = view personStreetLens (undefined :: Person)
Exercises - Lens Composition
-- >>> view (_2 . _1 . _2) ("Ginerva", (("Galileo", "Waldo"), "Malfoy")) -- "Waldo"
data Five data Eight data Two data Three fiveEightDomino :: Lens' Five Eight fiveEightDomino = undefined twoThreeDomino :: Lens' Two Three twoThreeDomino = undefined dominoTrain :: Lens' Five Three dominoTrain = fiveEightDomino . mysteryDomino . twoThreeDomino mysteryDomino :: Lens' Eight Two mysteryDomino = undefined
data Armadillo data Hedgehog data Platypus data BabySloth g :: Functor f => (Armadillo -> f Hedgehog) -> (Platypus -> f BabySloth) g = undefined h :: Lens Platypus BabySloth Armadillo Hedgehog h = undefined
data Gazork data Trowlg data Bandersnatch data Yakka data Zink data Wattoom data Grug data Pubbawup data Foob data Mog data Boojum data Jabberwock data Snark data JubJub snajubjumwock :: Lens Snark JubJub Boojum Jabberwock snajubjumwock = undefined boowockugwup :: Lens Boojum Jabberwock Grug Pubbawup boowockugwup = undefined gruggazinkoom :: Lens Grug Pubbawup Zink Wattoom gruggazinkoom = undefined zinkattumblezz :: Lens Zink Wattoom Chumble Spuzz zinkattumblezz = undefined spuzorktrowmble :: Lens Chumble Spuzz Gazork Trowlg spuzorktrowmble = undefined gazorlglesnatchka :: Lens Gazork Trowlg Bandersnatch Yakka gazorlglesnatchka = undefined banderyakoobog :: Lens Bandersnatch Yakka Foob Mog banderyakoobog = undefined ex10 :: (Foob -> [Mog]) -> Snark -> [JubJub] ex10 = snajubjumwock @[] . boowockugwup . gruggazinkoom . zinkattumblezz . spuzorktrowmble . gazorlglesnatchka . banderyakoobog
5. Operators
Fixity - operator precedence
-- >>>:t _1 . _2 .~ 3
-- _1 . _2 .~ 3 :: (Field1 s t a1 b1, Field2 a1 b1 a2 b2, Num b2) => s -> t
is equivalent to
-- >>>:t (_1 . _2) .~ 3
-- (_1 . _2) .~ 3 :: (Field1 s t a1 b1, Field2 a1 b1 a2 b2, Num b2) => s -> t
We can use &
to make a convenient-to-read chain
-- >>>((2,3),4) & (_1 . _2) .~ 5
-- ((2,5),4)
-- >>> :{
-- unknown command '{'
multiline :: Integer
multiline = 3
Or even
ex11 :: ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
ex11 =
((2, 3), (4, 6))
& (_1 . _2) .~ 5
& (_2 . _1) .~ 5
-- >>>ex9
-- ((2,5),(5,6))
Optics operators - src
(with index)^@?!
(with index)^.
a function composition (Indexed
with non-indexed).>
a function composition (non-indexed withIndexed
a composition of Indexed functions%%~
modify target; extract functorial/applicative result%%=
modify target in state; return extra information&~
used to chain lens operations<&>
a flipped version of<$>
used to flip argument order of composite functions<%~
lens target; return result<+~
increment lens target; return result<-~
decrement lens target; return result<*~
multiply lens target; return result<//~
divide lens target; return result<^~
raise lens target; return result<^^~
raise lens target; return result<__~
raise lens target; return result<||~
logically-or lens target; return result<&&~
logically-and lens target; return result<<%~
lens target, return old value<<.~
replace lens target, return old value<<?~
replace lens target (withJust value
), return old value<<+~
increment lens target; return old value<<-~
decrement lens target; return old value<<*~
multiply lens target; return old value<<//~
divide lens target; return old value<<^~
raise lens target; return old value<<^^~
raise lens target; return old value<<__~
raise lens target; return old value<||~
logically-or lens target; return old value<&&~
logically-and lens target; return old value<<<>~
lens target with (<>
); return old value<%=
target in state; return result<+=
add to target in state; return result<-=
subtract from target in state; return result<*=
multiple the target in state; return result<//=
divide the target in state; return result<^=
raise lens target in state; return result<^^=
raise lens target in state; return result<__=
raise lens target in state; return result<||=
logically-or lens target in state; return result<&&=
logically-and lens target in state; return result<<%=
lens target in state; return old value<<.=
replace lens target in state; return old value<<?=
replace target (with Just value) in state, return old value<<+=
add to target in state; return old value<<-=
subtract from target in state; return old value<<*=
multiple the target in state; return old value<<//=
divide the target in state; return old value<<^=
raise lens target in state; return old value<<^^=
raise lens target in state; return old value<<__=
raise lens target in state; return old value<<||=
logically-or lens target in state; return old value<<&&=
logically-and lens target in state; return old value<<<>=
target with (<>
) in state; return old value<<~
run monadic action, set lens target<<>~
) onto the end of lens target; return result<<>=
) onto the end of lens target in state; return result<%@~
target; return intermediate result<<%@~
target; return old value%%@~
target; return supplementary result%%@=
target in state; return supplementary result<%@=
target in state; return intermediate result<<%@=
target in state; return old value^#
target; extract functorial/applicative result%%=
target in state; return extra information#=
target(s) in state<#%~
target; return result<#%=
target in state; return result#%%=
target in state; return extra information<#~
with pass-through (ALens
with pass-through in state (ALens
toJust value
with pass-through<?~
toJust value
with pass-through+~
increment target(s)*~
multiply target(s)-~
decrement target(s)//~
divide target(s)^~
raise target(s)^~
raise target(s)^^~
raise target(s)__~
raise target(s)||~
logically-or target(s)&&~
logically-and target(s).=
assign in state%=
map over target(s) in state?=
target(s) toJust value
in state+=
add to target(s) in state*=
multiply target(s) in state-=
decrement from target(s) in state//=
divide target(s) in state^=
raise target(s) in state^=
raise target(s) in state^^=
raise target(s) in state__=
raise target(s) in state||=
logically-or target(s) in state&&=
logically-and target(s) in state<~
run monadic action,set
target(s) in state<.=
with pass-through in state<?=
Just value
with pass-through in state<>~
target with (<>
target with (<>
) in state.@~
/ set target(s) with index.@=
set target(s) in state with index%@~
target(s) with index%@=
target(s) in state with index&
a reverse application operator#
focus thefull
5.9 Exercises - Operators
Get to
data Gate = Gate {_open :: Bool, _oilTemp :: Float} deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Gate data Army = Army {_archers :: Int, _knights :: Int} deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Army data Kingdom = Kingdom {_name1 :: String, _army :: Army, _gate :: Gate} deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Kingdom duloc :: Kingdom duloc = Kingdom{_name1 = "Duloc", _army = Army{_archers = 22, _knights = 14}, _gate = Gate{_open = True, _oilTemp = 10.0}} goalA :: Kingdom goalA = duloc & name1 <>~ ": a perfect place" & army . knights *~ 3 & gate . open &&~ False -- >>>goalA -- Kingdom {_name1 = "Duloc: a perfect place", _army = Army {_archers = 22, _knights = 42}, _gate = Gate {_open = False, _oilTemp = 10.0}} goalB :: Kingdom goalB = duloc & name1 <>~ "cinstein" & army . archers -~ 5 & army . knights +~ 12 & gate . oilTemp *~ 10 -- >>>goalB -- Kingdom {_name1 = "Duloccinstein", _army = Army {_archers = 17, _knights = 26}, _gate = Gate {_open = True, _oilTemp = 100.0}} goalB_ :: Kingdom goalB_ = duloc & name1 <>~ "cinstein" & army %~ (\x -> x & archers -~ 5 & knights +~ 12) & gate . oilTemp *~ 10 -- >>>goalB_ -- Kingdom {_name1 = "Duloccinstein", _army = Army {_archers = 17, _knights = 26}, _gate = Gate {_open = True, _oilTemp = 100.0}} goalC :: (String, Kingdom) goalC = duloc & gate . oilTemp //~ 2 & name1 <>~ ": Home" & name1 <<%~ (<> "of the talking Donkeys") -- >>>goalC -- ("Duloc: Home",Kingdom {_name1 = "Duloc: Homeof the talking Donkeys", _army = Army {_archers = 22, _knights = 14}, _gate = Gate {_open = True, _oilTemp = 5.0}})
Enter code
ex12 :: (Bool, [Char]) ex12 = (False, "opossums") & _1 ||~ True -- >>>ex10 -- (True,"opossums") ex13 :: Integer ex13 = 2 & id *~ 3 -- >>>ex11 -- 6 ex14 :: ((Bool, [Char]), Double) ex14 = ((True, "Dudley"), 55.0) & (_1 . _2 <>~ " - the worst") & (_2 -~ 15) & (_2 //~ 2) & (_1 . _2 %~ map toUpper) & (_1 . _1 .~ False) -- >>>ex12 -- ((False,"DUDLEY - THE WORST"),20.0)
(%~) :: Lens s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
6. Folds
- have no laws!
- focus on several elements
- composition makes successive folds focus on the elements of previous focuses, forming a tree
- the result of a composite fold is a
of leaves of such a tree - combinators can work with a set of focuses (leaves) at a necessary level of such a tree
-- >>> [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300]] ^.. folded . taking 2 folded
-- [1,2,10,20,100,200]
6.1 Introduction to Folds
- Folds can focus MANY things, Lenses must focus ONE thing
- Folds can only get zero or more things, Lenses must always be able to get and set
- Folds aren't polymorphic
Focusing all elements of a container
type Fold s a = forall m. Monoid m => Getting m s a
type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s
newtype Const a (b :: k) = Const { getConst :: a }
: structurea
: focus
Collapsing the Set
folded :: Foldable f => Fold (f a) a
ex15 :: [Integer]
ex15 = [Just 3, Nothing, Nothing] ^.. folded . _Just
-- >>>ex15
-- [3]
Using lenses as folds
We have
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
type Fold s a = forall m. Monoid m => Getting m s a
type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s
So, we can use a Lens' s a
as a Fold s a
first applies the folds, and returns them in a list
getPair2 :: Fold (a, b) b
getPair2 = _2
-- >>>(3,4) ^.. getPair2
-- [4]
Foundational fold combinators
- Traverse both parts of a Bitraversable container with matching typeseach
- generalizesboth
for tuples
ex16 :: [Integer]
ex16 = (1, 2) ^.. both
-- >>>ex16
-- [1,2]
ex17 :: [Integer]
ex17 = (1, 2, 4, 5, 6) ^.. each
-- >>>ex17
-- [1,2,4,5,6]
ex18 :: [GHC.Word.Word8]
ex18 = ("Do or do not" :: BS.ByteString) ^.. each
Exercises - Simple Folds
- beasts
beastSizes :: [(Int, String)]
beastSizes = [(3, "Sirens"), (882, "Kraken"), (92, "Ogopogo")]
-- >>> beastSizes ^.. folded
-- [(3,"Sirens"),(882,"Kraken"),(92,"Ogopogo")]
-- >>> beastSizes ^.. folded . folded
-- ["Sirens","Kraken","Ogopogo"]
-- >>> beastSizes ^.. folded . folded . folded
-- "SirensKrakenOgopogo"
-- >>> beastSizes ^.. folded . _2
-- ["Sirens","Kraken","Ogopogo"]
-- >>> toListOf (folded . folded) [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
ex19 :: [Char]
ex19 = toListOf (folded . folded) (M.fromList [("Jack" :: String, "Captain" :: String), ("Will", "First Mate")])
-- >>> ex19
-- "CaptainFirst Mate"
-- >>> ("Hello" :: String, "It's me") ^.. both . folded
-- "HelloIt's me"
-- >>> ("Why", "So", "Serious?") ^.. each
-- ["Why","So","Serious?"]
quotes :: [(T.Text, T.Text, T.Text)]
quotes = [("Why", "So", "Serious?"), ("This", "is", "SPARTA")]
ex20 :: [Char]
ex20 = quotes ^.. each . each . each
-- >>> ex20
-- "WhySoSerious?ThisisSPARTA"
- Blank
-- >>>[1, 2, 3] ^.. folded
-- [1,2,3]
-- >>> ("Light", "Dark") ^.. _1
-- ["Light"]
-- >>> [("Light", "Dark"), ("Happy", "Sad")] ^.. each . each
-- ["Light","Dark","Happy","Sad"]
-- >>> [("Light", "Dark"), ("Happy", "Sad")] ^.. each . _1
-- ["Light","Happy"]
ex21 :: String
ex21 = ([("Light", "Dark" :: String), ("Happy", "Sad")] ^.. each . _2) ^.. each . each
-- >>> ex21
-- "DarkSad"
-- >>> ("Bond", "James", "Bond") ^.. each
-- ["Bond","James","Bond"]
6.2 Custom Folds
We should project the pieces of a structure into something Foldable
. Then, we can construct a Fold
folding :: Foldable f => (s -> f a) -> Fold s a
newtype Name = Name
{ getName :: String
deriving (Show)
data ShipCrew = ShipCrew
{ _shipName :: Name
, _captain :: Name
, _firstMate :: Name
, _conscripts :: [Name]
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''ShipCrew
myCrew :: ShipCrew
myCrew =
{ _shipName = Name "Purple Pearl"
, _captain = Name "Grumpy Roger"
, _firstMate = Name "Long-John Bronze"
, _conscripts = [Name "One-eyed Jack", Name "Filthy Frank"]
collectCrewMembers :: ShipCrew -> [Name]
collectCrewMembers sc = [sc ^. captain, sc ^. firstMate] ++ sc ^. conscripts
crewMembers :: Fold ShipCrew Name
crewMembers = folding collectCrewMembers
-- >>>myCrew ^.. crewMembers
-- [Name {getName = "Grumpy Roger"},Name {getName = "Long-John Bronze"},Name {getName = "One-eyed Jack"},Name {getName = "Filthy Frank"}]
Mapping over folds
converts a function into a
. -
that's why, should never fail to get something from a structure.
to :: (s -> a) -> Fold s a
-- >>>:t to
-- to :: (Profunctor p, Contravariant f) => (s -> a) -> Optic' p f s a
class Profunctor (p :: Type -> Type -> Type) where
dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
ex22 :: [Char]
ex22 = "Two-faced Tony" ^. to (take 2)
-- >>> ex22
-- "Tw"
-- >>> Name "Two-faced Tony" ^. to getName . to (fmap toUpper)
-- >>> Name "Two-faced Tony" ^. to (fmap toUpper . getName)
-- >>> myCrew ^.. crewMembers . to getName
-- ["Grumpy Roger","Long-John Bronze","One-eyed Jack","Filthy Frank"]
Combining multiple folds on the same structure
crewNames1 :: ShipCrew -> [Name]
crewNames1 sc = [captain, firstMate] ^.. folded . to (sc ^.) <> sc ^. conscripts
crewNames2 :: Fold ShipCrew Name
crewNames2 = folding (\s -> foldMap (s ^..) [captain, firstMate, conscripts . folded])
crewNames3 :: Fold ShipCrew Name
crewNames3 = folding (\s -> [captain, firstMate, conscripts . folded] ^.. folded . to (s ^..) . folded)
-- >>> myCrew ^.. crewNames2 . to getName
-- ["Grumpy Roger","Long-John Bronze","One-eyed Jack","Filthy Frank"]
Exercises - Custom Folds
ex23 :: [Char] ex23 = ["Yer" :: String, "a", "wizard", "Harry"] ^.. folded . folded -- >>> ex23 -- "YerawizardHarry" -- >>> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] ^.. folded . folding (take 2) -- [1,2,4,5] -- >>> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] ^.. folded . to (take 2) -- [[1,2],[4,5]] -- >>> ["bob", "otto", "hannah"] ^.. folded . to reverse -- ["bob","otto","hannah"] -- >>> ("abc", "def") ^.. folding (\(a, b) -> [a, b]). to reverse . folded -- "cbafed"
fold paths
-- >>> [1..5] ^.. folded . folding (\x -> [x * 100]) -- [100,200,300,400,500] -- >>> (1, 2) ^.. folding (\(a,b) -> [a, b]) -- [1,2] -- >>> [(1, "one"), (2, "two")] ^.. folded . folding (\(_,x) -> [x]) -- ["one","two"] ex24 :: [Int] ex24 = (Just 1, Just 2, Just 3) ^.. folding (\(a, b, c) -> [a, b, c]) . folded -- >>> ex24 -- [1,2,3] ex25 :: [Int] ex25 = [Left 1, Right 2, Left 3] ^.. folded . folded -- >>> ex25 -- [2] ex26 :: [Int] ex26 = [([1, 2], [3, 4]), ([5, 6], [7, 8])] ^.. folded . folding (uncurry (<>)) -- >>> ex26 -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] -- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] ^.. folded . to (\x -> (if odd x then Left else Right) x) -- [Left 1,Right 2,Left 3,Right 4] -- >>> [(1, (2, 3)), (4, (5, 6))] ^.. folded . folding (\(a, (b,c)) -> [a,b,c]) -- [1,2,3,4,5,6] ex27 :: [Integer] ex27 = [(Just 1, Left "one"), (Nothing, Right 2)] ^.. folded . folding (\(x, y) -> x ^.. folded <> y ^.. folded) -- >>> ex27 -- [1,2] ex28 :: [Either Integer String] ex28 = [(1, "one"), (2, "two")] ^.. folded . folding (\(x, y) -> [Left x, Right y]) -- >>> ex28 -- [Left 1,Right "one",Left 2,Right "two"] -- >>> S.fromList ["apricots", "apples"] ^.. folded . to reverse . folded -- "selppastocirpa"
outside of the box
ex29 :: [Char] ex29 = [(12, 45, 66), (91, 123, 87)] ^.. folded . folding (\(_, x, _) -> reverse (show x)) -- >>> ex29 -- "54321" -- >>> [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c"), (4, "d")] ^.. folded . folding (\(x,y) -> if odd x then [] else [y]) -- ["b","d"]
6.3 Fold Actions
Fold queries
- Which focuses match this predicate?
- What's the largest element in my structure
- What's the result of running this side-effect on every focus?
- What's the sum of these numeric focuses?
- Does this fold focus any elements?
- Does this specific value exist in my structure?
Writing queries with folds
There are folds for common functions like
sumOf :: Num a => Getting (Endo (Endo a)) s a -> s -> a
Instead of Getting (Some type) s a
, can put many optics, e.g., Fold s a
elemOf :: Eq a => Fold s a -> a -> s -> Bool
- does a fold contain an element?anyOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
- does any focus match a predicate?allOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
- do all focuses match a predicate?findOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Maybe a
- find the first elem that matches a predicatehas :: Fold s a -> s -> Bool
- does my fold have any elementshasn't :: Fold s a -> s -> Bool
- or not?lengthOf :: Fold s a -> s -> Int
- how many focuses are there?sumOf :: Num n => Fold s n -> s -> n
- sum of focusesproductOf :: Num n => Fold s n -> s -> n
- their productfirstOf :: Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
- get the first focuspreview :: Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
- likefirstOf
(^?) :: s -> Fold s a -> Maybe a
- likefirstOf
worded :: Fold String String
- like wordslastOf :: Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
- get the last focusminimumOf :: Ord a => Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
- minimummaximumOf :: Ord a => Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
- maximummaximumByOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> s -> Maybe a
- max element by a comparison funcfolding :: Foldable f => (s -> f a) -> Fold s a
- convert structure to aFoldable
foldrOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
- like foldrfoldlOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
- like foldlfoldMapOf :: Monoid r => Fold s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
- like foldMapfoldByOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> s -> a
- lets use a custom(<>) :: a -> a -> a
foldMapByOf :: Fold s a -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
- same, but also lets map to aMonoid
data Actor = Actor
{ _actorName :: String
, _birthYear :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Actor
data TVShow = TVShow
{ _title :: String
, _numEpisodes :: Int
, _numSeasons :: Int
, _criticScore :: Double
, _actors :: [Actor]
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''TVShow
howIMetYourMother :: TVShow
howIMetYourMother =
{ _title = "How I Met Your Mother"
, _numEpisodes = 208
, _numSeasons = 9
, _criticScore = 83
, _actors =
[ Actor "Josh Radnor" 1974
, Actor "Cobie Smulders" 1982
, Actor "Neil Patrick Harris" 1973
, Actor "Alyson Hannigan" 1974
, Actor "Jason Segel" 1980
buffy :: TVShow
buffy =
{ _title = "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
, _numEpisodes = 144
, _numSeasons = 7
, _criticScore = 81
, _actors =
[ Actor "Sarah Michelle Gellar" 1977
, Actor "Alyson Hannigan" 1974
, Actor "Nicholas Brendon" 1971
, Actor "David Boreanaz" 1969
, Actor "Anthony Head" 1954
tvShows :: [TVShow]
tvShows =
[ howIMetYourMother
, buffy
-- >>> sumOf (folded . numEpisodes) tvShows
-- 352
comparingOf :: Ord a => Getting a s a -> s -> s -> Ordering
comparingOf l = comparing (view l)
ex30 :: Maybe Actor
ex30 = maximumByOf (folded . actors . folded) (comparingOf birthYear) tvShows
-- >>> ex30
-- Just (Actor {_actorName = "Cobie Smulders", _birthYear = 1982})
Folding with effects
Effectful folding
traverse_ :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
- fold with effects
Similar to ordinary Foldable
traverseOf_ :: Functor f => Fold s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
forOf_ :: Functor f => Fold s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
Uses just Functor
(not Applicative
) as Lens
focuses a single element.
calcAge :: Actor -> Int
calcAge actor = 2030 - actor ^. birthYear
showActor :: Actor -> String
showActor actor = actor ^. actorName <> ": " <> show (calcAge actor)
-- $> traverseOf_ (folded . actors . folded . to showActor) putStrLn tvShows
-- >>> import Control.Monad.State
-- >>> execState (traverseOf_ (folded . actors . folded) (modify . const (+1)) tvShows) 0
-- 10
Combining fold results
s are all about collecting pieces of things and Monoid
s are all about combining
things together. We can find many focuses within a structure,
then combine the pieces together using a Monoid
foldOf :: Getting a s a -> s -> a
foldMapOf :: Getting r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
Implement an average fold
ageSummary :: Actor -> (Sum Int, Sum Int)
ageSummary actor = (Sum 1, Sum (calcAge actor))
ex31 :: Double
ex31 = fromIntegral age / fromIntegral n
sums = foldMapOf (folded . actors . folded) ageSummary tvShows
n = getSum (fst sums)
age = getSum (snd sums)
-- >>> ex31
-- 57.2
Using view on folds
Don't use view
or ^.
on folds. It works only if focuses are Monoid
s. Use foldOf
-- >>> Just (42 :: Int) ^. folded
-- No instance for (Monoid Int) arising from a use of `folded'
-- In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `folded'
-- In the expression: Just (42 :: Int) ^. folded
-- In an equation for `it_a2Cc0O':
-- it_a2Cc0O = Just (42 :: Int) ^. folded
Customizing monoidal folds
These functions allow customizing the (<>) operation on Monoid
folding :: Foldable f => (s -> f a) -> Fold s a
foldByOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> s -> a
foldMapByOf :: Fold s a -> (r -> r -> r) -> r -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
foldrOf :: Fold s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
foldlOf :: Fold s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
ex32 :: M.Map String Int
ex32 =
-- Focus each actor's name
(folded . actors . folded . actorName)
-- Combine duplicate keys with addition
(M.unionWith (+))
-- start with the empty Map
-- inject names into Maps with a count of 1
(`M.singleton` 1)
-- >>> ex32
-- fromList [("Alyson Hannigan",2),("Anthony Head",1),("Cobie Smulders",1),("David Boreanaz",1),("Jason Segel",1),("Josh Radnor",1),("Neil Patrick Harris",1),("Nicholas Brendon",1),("Sarah Michelle Gellar",1)]
Exercises - Fold Actions
pick action
-- >>> has folded [] -- False -- >>> foldOf both ("Yo", "Adrian!") -- "YoAdrian!" -- >>> elemOf each "phone" ("E.T.", "phone", "home") -- True -- >>> minimumOf folded [5, 7, 2, 3, 13, 17, 11] -- Just 2 -- >>> maximumOf folded [5, 7, 2, 3, 13, 17, 11] -- Just 17 -- >>> anyOf folded ((> 9) . length) ["Bulbasaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle"] -- True -- >>> findOf folded even [11, 22, 3, 5, 6] -- Just 22
devise folds
ex33 :: Maybe String ex33 = findOf folded (\x -> x == reverse x) ["umbrella", "olives", "racecar", "hammer"] -- >>>ex33 -- Just "racecar" -- >>>allOf each even (2,4,6) -- True ex34 :: Maybe (Int, String) ex34 = maximumByOf folded (\x y -> compare (x ^. _1) (y ^. _1)) [(2 :: Int, "I'll" :: String), (3, "Be"), (1, "Back")] -- >>> ex34 -- Just (3,"Be") -- >>> sumOf each (1,2) -- 3
isVowel :: Char -> Bool isVowel x = x `elem` ("aouiey" :: String) ex35 :: Maybe String ex35 = maximumByOf worded (\x y -> let s = (length . filter isVowel) in compare (s x) (s y)) ("Do or do not, there is no try." :: String) -- >>> ex35 -- Just "there"
6.4 Higher Order Folds
There're optics combinators that alter other optics. They accept an optic and return a new one.
(with simplified types)
taking :: Int -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
- liketake
dropping :: Int -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
- likedrop
takingWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
- liketakeWhile
droppingWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
- likedropWhile
backwards :: Fold s a -> Fold s a
- reverse the order of focuses of a fold
Taking, Dropping
(real types are complex)
take N focuses
taking :: Int -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
dropping :: Int -> Fold s a -> Fold s a
-- >>>[3,5,4,6,7] ^.. taking 3 folded
-- [3,5,4]
-- >>>[3,5,4,6,7] ^.. dropping 3 folded
-- [6,7]
Since new folds branch on focuses, the next optics are applied on each branch separately.
-- >>> [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300]] ^.. folded . taking 2 folded
-- [1,2,10,20,100,200]
-- >>> ("Albus" :: String, "Dumbledore") ^.. both . taking 3 folded
-- "AlbDum"
We can move the combinator to operate on the necessary set of focuses, e.g., the final one.
-- No brackets; we're taking '3' from the results of 'both', then folding them
-- >>> ("Albus" :: String, "Dumbledore") ^.. taking 3 both . folded
-- "AlbusDumbledore"
-- >>> ("Albus" :: String, "Dumbledore") ^.. taking 3 (both . folded)
-- "Alb"
-- >>> ("Albus" :: String, "Dumbledore") ^.. dropping 2 (both . folded)
-- "busDumbledore"
Reverses the order of a fold.
backwards :: Fold s a -> Fold s a
-- >>>:t backwards
-- backwards
-- :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q) =>
-- Optical p q (Backwards f) s t a b -> Optical p q f s t a b
-- >>> [1, 2, 3] ^.. backwards folded
-- [3,2,1]
takingWhile, droppingWhile
-- >>> [1..100] ^.. takingWhile (<10) folded
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
-- >>> [1..100] ^.. droppingWhile (<90) folded
-- [90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100]
Exercises - Higher Order Folds
-- >>> ("Here's looking at you, kid" :: String) ^.. dropping 7 folded -- "looking at you, kid" -- >>> ["My Precious" :: String, "Hakuna Matata", "No problemo"] ^.. folded . taking 1 . -- "MHN" -- >>> ["My Precious", "Hakuna Matata", "No problemo"] ^.. taking 1 (folded . worded) -- ["My"] -- >>> ["My Precious", "Hakuna Matata", "No problemo"] ^.. folded . taking 1 worded . folded -- "MyHakunaNo" -- >>> ["My Precious", "Hakuna Matata", "No problemo"] ^.. folded . taking 1 (folding words) . folded -- "MyHakunaNo" ex36 :: Integer ex36 = sumOf (taking 2 each) (10, 50, 100) -- >>> ex36 -- 60 -- >>> ("stressed", "guns", "evil") ^.. backwards each -- ["evil","guns","stressed"] -- >>> ("stressed", "guns", "evil") ^.. backwards each . to reverse -- ["live","snug","desserts"] -- >>> import Data.Char (isAlpha) -- >>> "blink182 k9 blazeit420" ^.. folding (filter (\x -> not (isAlpha x || x == ' '))) -- "1829420"
use higher-order folds
temperatureSample :: [Int] temperatureSample = [-10, -5, 4, 3, 8, 6, -2, 3, -5, -7] -- >>> length $ temperatureSample ^.. takingWhile (<= 0) folded -- 2 -- >>> maximumOf (taking 4 folded) temperatureSample -- Just 4 -- >>> temperatureSample ^? dropping 1 (droppingWhile (/= 4) folded) -- Just 3 -- >>> length $ temperatureSample ^.. takingWhile (< 0) (backwards folded) -- 2 -- >>> temperatureSample ^.. takingWhile (> 0) (droppingWhile (<= 0) folded) -- [4,3,8,6] trimmingWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold s a -> Fold s a trimmingWhile c f = backwards (droppingWhile c (backwards (droppingWhile c f))) -- >>> temperatureSample ^.. trimmingWhile (< 0) folded -- [4,3,8,6,-2,3]
6.5 Filtering folds
- Filter focuses (like WHERE in SQL)
- Can run a separate fold to calculate the filter condition
- Can go deeper after filtering
filtered :: (s -> Bool) -> Fold s s
- filter a foldfilteredBy :: Fold s a -> Fold s s
orfilteredBy :: Fold s a -> IndexedTraversal' a s s
- filter by a condition represented as a fold
-- >>>:t filtered
-- filtered :: (Choice p, Applicative f) => (a -> Bool) -> Optic' p f a a
-- >>>:t filteredBy
-- filteredBy
-- :: (Indexable i p, Applicative f) =>
-- Getting (First i) a i -> p a (f a) -> a -> f a
-- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] ^.. folded . filtered even
-- [2,4]
-- >>> ["apple", "passionfruit", "orange", "pomegranate"] ^.. folded . filtered ((>6) . length)
-- ["passionfruit","pomegranate"]
-- A data structure to represent a single card
data Card = Card
{ _cardName :: String
, _aura :: Aura
, _holo :: Bool
, _moves :: [Move]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Each card has an aura-type
data Aura
= Wet
| Hot
| Spark
| Leafy
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Cards have attack moves
data Move = Move
{ _moveName :: String
, _movePower :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Card
makeLenses ''Move
deck :: [Card]
deck =
[ Card "Skwortul" Wet False [Move "Squirt" 20]
, Card "Scorchander" Hot False [Move "Scorch" 20]
, Card "Seedasaur" Leafy False [Move "Allergize" 20]
, Card "Kapichu" Spark False [Move "Poke" 10, Move "Zap" 30]
, Card "Elecdude" Spark False [Move "Asplode" 50]
, Card "Garydose" Wet True [Move "Gary's move" 40]
, Card "Moisteon" Wet False [Move "Soggy" 3]
, Card "Grasseon" Leafy False [Move "Leaf Cut" 30]
, Card "Spicyeon" Hot False [Move "Capsaicisize" 40]
, Card "Sparkeon" Spark True [Move "Shock" 40, Move "Battery" 50]
How many moves have an attack power above 30?
ex38 :: Int ex38 = lengthOf ( folded . moves . folded . movePower . filtered (> 30) ) deck -- >>> ex38 -- 5
List all cards which have ANY move with an attack power greater than 40
ex39 :: [String] ex39 = deck ^.. folded . filtered (anyOf (moves . folded . movePower) (> 40)) . cardName -- >>> ex39 -- ["Elecdude","Sparkeon"]
List all Spark Moves with a power greater than 30
-- ex40 :: [Move] ex40 :: [String] ex40 = deck ^.. folded . filtered (\x -> x ^. aura == Spark) . moves . folded . filtered (\x -> x ^. movePower > 30) . moveName -- >>>ex40 -- ["Asplode","Shock","Battery"]
Other helpers
filteredBy :: Fold s a -> Fold s s
- filter by a condition represented as a fold -
only :: Eq a => a -> Prism' a ()
- return () iff input is equal to a reference value -
nearly :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> Prism' a ()
- check condition. As it returns a prism, we have to supply the first argument for re-construction-- >>> has (only "needle") "needle" -- True
List all Spark Moves with a power greater than 30
ex41 :: [String] ex41 = deck ^.. folded . filteredBy (aura . only Spark) . moves . folded . filteredBy (movePower . filtered (> 30)) . moveName -- >>> ex41 -- ["Asplode","Shock","Battery"] ex42 :: Maybe String ex42 = maximumByOf -- filter for holo cards (folded . filteredBy holo) -- compare them on number of moves (comparing (lengthOf moves)) deck <&> (^. cardName) -- >>> ex42 -- Just "Sparkeon"
Exercises - Filtering
List all the cards whose name starts with 'S'
ex43 :: [String] ex43 = deck ^.. folded . filteredBy (cardName . taking 1 folded . only 'S') . cardName -- >>> ex43 -- ["Skwortul","Scorchander","Seedasaur","Spicyeon","Sparkeon"]
What's the lowest attack power of all moves?
ex44 :: Maybe Int ex44 = minimumOf (folded . moves . folded . movePower) deck -- >>>ex44 -- Just 3
What's the name of the first card which has more than one move?
ex45 :: Maybe String ex45 = findOf (folded . filtered (\x -> length (x ^. moves) > 1)) (const True) deck <&> (^. cardName) -- >>>ex45 -- Just "Kapichu"
Are there any Hot cards with a move with more than 30 attack power?
ex46 :: Bool ex46 = not . null $ deck ^.. folded . filteredBy (aura . only Hot) . filteredBy (moves . folded . filteredBy (movePower . nearly 0 (> 30))) -- >>>ex46 -- [Card {_cardName = "Spicyeon", _aura = Hot, _holo = False, _moves = [Move {_moveName = "Capsaicisize", _movePower = 40}]}]
List the names of all holographic cards with a Wet aura.
ex47 :: [String] ex47 = deck ^.. folded . filtered (\x -> x ^. holo && x ^. aura == Wet) . cardName -- >>>ex47 -- ["Garydose"]
What's the sum of all attack power for all moves belonging to non-Leafy cards?
ex48 :: Int ex48 = sumOf (folded . filtered (\x -> x ^. aura /= Leafy) . moves . folded . movePower) deck -- >>>ex48 -- 303
7. Traversals
Have multiple focuses. Can transform them.
7.1. Introduction to Traversals
Can get or set many focuses in-place.
- rows - optics that we have
- columns - how want to use that optics
From Fold to Traversal
both :: Bitraversable r => Traversal (r a a) (r b b) a b
In case of tuples, both
focuses both sides of a tuple.
Traversal s t a b
: structure before actiont
: structure after actiona
: focus before actionb
: focus after action
Let's modify both elements of a tuple
ex49 :: (String, String)
ex49 = ("Bubbles", "Buttercup") & both %~ (++ "!")
-- >>> ex49
-- ("Bubbles!","Buttercup!")
Focuses may change type as long as the type of a structure remains valid. In case of each, we have to change types of all elements of a tuple.
-- >>> ("Bubbles", "Buttercup") & each %~ length
-- (7,9)
-- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] & dropping 3 traversed %~ show
-- No instance for (Num String) arising from the literal `1'
-- In the expression: 1
-- In the first argument of `(&)', namely `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'
-- In the expression: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] & dropping 3 traversed %~ show
Some structures disallow changing the type.
-- >>> ("Houston we have a problem" :: T.Text) & each .~ (22 :: Int)
-- Couldn't match type `Int' with `Char' arising from a use of `each'
-- In the first argument of `(.~)', namely `each'
-- In the second argument of `(&)', namely `each .~ (22 :: Int)'
-- In the expression:
-- ("Houston we have a problem" :: Text) & each .~ (22 :: Int)
Can use some functions that we used for Fold
s, e.g., filtered
-- Reverse only the long strings
ex50 :: (String, String)
ex50 =
("short", "really long")
& both . filtered ((> 5) . length)
%~ reverse
-- >>>ex50
-- ("short","gnol yllaer")
7.2 Traversal Combinators
Traversing each element of a container
Some optics are incompatible in types, e.g., folded
and %~
. That is, you can't modify focuses in a fold
-- >>> [1, 2, 3] & folded %~ (*10)
-- Could not deduce (Contravariant Identity)
-- arising from a use of `folded'
-- from the context: Num b_aNbRI[sk:1]
-- bound by the inferred type of
-- it_aNbPv :: Num b_aNbRI[sk:1] => [b_aNbRI[sk:1]]
-- at /home/eyjafjallajokull/Desktop/projects/optics-by-example/README.hs:2207:2-28
-- In the first argument of `(%~)', namely `folded'
-- In the second argument of `(&)', namely `folded %~ (* 10)'
-- In the expression: [1, 2, 3] & folded %~ (* 10)
That's why there is a specific function for traversing.
traversed :: Traversable f => Traversal (f a) (f b) a b
-- >>> :t traversed
-- traversed :: Traversable f => IndexedTraversal Int (f a) (f b) a b
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t
If you compose a Traversal
and a Fold
, you get a Fold
-- >>>[[3 :: Int, 4]] & traversed . folded %~ (*10)
-- No instance for (Contravariant Identity)
-- arising from a use of `folded'
-- In the second argument of `(.)', namely `folded'
-- In the first argument of `(%~)', namely `traversed . folded'
-- In the second argument of `(&)', namely
-- `traversed . folded %~ (* 10)'
-- >>>[[3 :: Int, 4]] ^.. traversed . folded
-- [3,4]
Compared to folded, traversed operates on less containers with more operations.
powerLevels :: M.Map String Integer
powerLevels =
[ ("Gohan", 710)
, ("Goku", 9001)
, ("Krillin", 5000)
, ("Piccolo", 408)
-- operate on the values of a map
ex51 :: M.Map String String
ex51 =
& traversed %~ \n ->
if n > 9000
then "Over 9000"
else show n
-- >>>ex51
-- fromList [("Gohan","710"),("Goku","Over 9000"),("Krillin","5000"),("Piccolo","408")]
More Combinators
worded :: Traversal' String String
- focus on wordslined :: Traversal' String String
- focus on lines
-- >>> :t worded
-- worded :: Applicative f => IndexedLensLike' Int f String String
-- >>> :t lined
-- lined :: Applicative f => IndexedLensLike' Int f String String
They're unlawful, because they wrongly reconstruct the results. E.g., like unwords . words
, they substitute a single space for multiple spaces.
-- >>> "blue \n suede \n \n shoes" & worded %~ \(x:xs) -> toUpper x : xs
-- "Blue Suede Shoes"
Traversing multiple paths at once
Focus on all a
s from both structures in a tuple.
beside :: Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s' t' a b -> Traversal (s,s') (t,t') a b
beside :: Lens s t a b -> Lens s' t' a b -> Traversal (s,s') (t,t') a b
beside :: Fold s a -> Fold s' a -> Fold (s,s') a
-- >>> let dinos = ("T-Rex", (42, "Stegosaurus"))
-- >>> dinos ^.. beside id _2
-- ["T-Rex","Stegosaurus"]
ex52 :: (String, [String])
ex52 =
("Cowabunga", ["let's", "order", "pizza"])
-- Each half of the tuple has a different path to focus the characters
& beside traversed (traversed . traversed)
%~ toUpper
-- >>>ex52
There are other Bitraversable
s like Either
-- >>> Left (1, 2) & beside both traversed %~ negate
-- Left (-1,-2)
Focusing a specific traversal element
Focuses a single element with a given index. Can't change the type of that focus because it can't change the type of other focuses.
element :: Traversable f => Int -> Traversal' (f a) a
-- >>> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] & element 2 *~ 100
-- [0,1,200,3,4]
Focus an element of a traversal or a fold
elementOf :: Traversal' s a -> Int -> Traversal' s a
elementOf :: Fold s a -> Int -> Fold s a
-- >>> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]] & elementOf (traversed . traversed) 6 *~ 100
-- [[0,1,2],[3,4],[5,600,7,8]]
7.3 Traversal Composition
-- Add "Rich " to the names of people with more than $1000
ex53 :: ((String, Integer), (String, Integer), (String, Integer))
ex53 =
(("Ritchie", 100000), ("Archie", 32), ("Reggie", 4350))
& each
. filtered ((> 1000) . snd)
. _1
%~ ("Rich " ++)
-- >>>ex53
-- (("Rich Ritchie",100000),("Archie",32),("Rich Reggie",4350))
Exercises - Simple Traversals
What type of optic do you get when you compose a traversal with a fold?
-- >>> [[3 :: Int, 4]] ^.. traversed . folded -- [3,4] -- >>> [[3 :: Int, 4]] & traversed . folded .~ 2 -- No instance for (Contravariant Identity) -- arising from a use of `folded' -- In the second argument of `(.)', namely `folded' -- In the first argument of `(.~)', namely `traversed . folded' -- In the second argument of `(&)', namely `traversed . folded .~ 2'
Which of the optics we've learned can act as a traversal?
- lens and traversal
Which of the optics we've learned can act as a fold?
- lens, traversal, fold
-- >>>("Jurassic", "Park") & both .~ "N/A"
-- ("N/A","N/A")
-- >>> ("Jurassic" :: String, "Park") & both . traversed .~ 'x'
-- ("xxxxxxxx","xxxx")
-- >>>("Malcolm", ["Kaylee", "Inara", "Jayne"]) & beside id traversed %~ take 3
-- ("Mal",["Kay","Ina","Jay"])
-- >>>("Malcolm", ["Kaylee", "Inara", "Jayne"]) & _2 . elementOf traversed 1 .~ "River"
-- ("Malcolm",["Kaylee","River","Jayne"])
-- >>> ["Die Another Day", "Live and Let Die", "You Only Live Twice"] & traversed . elementOf worded 1 . traversed .~ 'x'
-- ["Die xxxxxxx Day","Live xxx Let Die","You xxxx Live Twice"]
-- >>>((1, 2), (3, 4)) & both . both +~ 1
-- ((2,3),(4,5))
-- >>>(1, (2, [3, 4])) & beside id (beside id traversed) +~ 1
-- (2,(3,[4,5]))
ex54 = ((True, "Strawberries" :: String), (False, "Blueberries"), (True, "Blackberries")) & each . filtered fst . _2 . taking 5 traversed %~ toUpper
-- >>> ex54
-- ((True,"STRAWberries"),(False,"Blueberries"),(True,"BLACKberries"))
ex55 = ((True, "Strawberries"), (False, "Blueberries"), (True, "Blackberries" :: String)) & each %~ snd
-- >>> ex55
-- ("Strawberries","Blueberries","Blackberries")
7.4 Traversal Actions
sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
-- >>>sequenceA $ Just (Left "Whoops")
-- Left "Whoops"
-- >>>sequenceA $ Just (Right "Whoops")
-- Right (Just "Whoops")
-- >>> :t readMaybe
-- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
-- >>>traverse readMaybe ["1", "2", "3"] :: Maybe [Int]
-- Just [1,2,3]
-- >>>traverse readMaybe ["1", "snark", "3"] :: Maybe [Int]
-- Nothing
Traverse on Traversals
Can run traverse
on arbitrary focuses!
-- >>>:t traverseOf
-- traverseOf :: LensLike f s t a b -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
-- >>> :t traverse
-- traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
-- >>> :t traverseOf traversed
-- traverseOf traversed
-- :: (Traversable f1, Applicative f2) =>
-- (a -> f2 b) -> f1 a -> f2 (f1 b)
-- >>>traverseOf both readMaybe ("1", "2") :: Maybe (Int, Int)
-- Just (1,2)
-- >>> traverseOf both (\c -> [toLower c, toUpper c]) ('a', 'b')
-- [('a','b'),('a','B'),('A','b'),('A','B')]
-- >>> traverseOf (both . traversed) (\c -> [toLower c, toUpper c]) ("ab", "c")
-- [("ab","c"),("ab","C"),("aB","c"),("aB","C"),("Ab","c"),("Ab","C"),("AB","c"),("AB","C")]
validateEmail :: String -> Validation [String] String
validateEmail email
| elem '@' email = Success email
| otherwise =
Failure ["missing '@': " <> email]
-- >>> traverseOf (both . traversed) validateEmail (["", ""], ["", ""])
-- Success (["",""],["",""])
-- >>> traverseOf (both . traversed) validateEmail (["", ""], ["", ""])
-- Failure ["missing '@':","missing '@':"]
Other functions:
-- >>>:t forOf
-- forOf :: LensLike f s t a b -> s -> (a -> f b) -> f t
-- >>>:t sequenceAOf
-- sequenceAOf :: LensLike f s t (f b) b -> s -> f t
-- >>> sequenceAOf _1 (Just "Garfield", "Lasagna")
-- Just ("Garfield","Lasagna")
-- >>> sequenceAOf (both . traversed) ([Just "apples"], [Just "oranges"])
-- Just (["apples"],["oranges"])
Infix traverseOf
-- >>> (("1", "2") & both %%~ readMaybe) :: Maybe (Int, Int)
-- Just (1,2)
Use Traversals directly
Actual definitions:
traverseOf = id
(%%~) = id
So, we can (but should not!) use Traversal
s without traverseOf
-- >>>both readMaybe ("1", "2") :: Maybe (Int, Int)
-- Just (1,2)
Exercises - Traversal Actions
-- >>> sequenceAOf _1 (Nothing, "Rosebud")
-- Nothing
-- >>> sequenceAOf (traversed . _1) [("ab" :: String,1),("cd",2)]
-- [[('a',1),('c',2)],[('a',1),('d',2)],[('b',1),('c',2)],[('b',1),('d',2)]]
ex56 :: (([Integer], (Integer, Integer)), Integer)
ex56 = runState result 0
result = traverseOf (beside traversed both) (\n -> modify (+ n) >> get) ([1, 1, 1], (1, 1))
-- >>>ex56
-- (([1,2,3],(4,5)),5)
ex57 :: [([Char], Bool)]
ex57 =
("ab" :: String, True)
& (_1 . traversed)
%%~ (\c -> [toLower c, toUpper c])
ex58 :: [[(Char, Bool)]]
ex58 =
[('a', True), ('b', False)]
& (traversed . _1)
%%~ (\c -> [toLower c, toUpper c])
data UserWithAge = UserWithAge
{ _userName :: String
, _userAge :: Int
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''UserWithAge
data Account = Account
{ _accountId :: String
, _userWithAge :: UserWithAge
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Account
validateAge :: Account -> Validation String Account
validateAge acc
| age' <= 0 = Failure "Age is below 0"
| age' >= 150 = Failure "Age is above 150"
| otherwise = Success acc
age' = acc ^. userWithAge . userAge
7.5 Custom traversals
van Laarhoven optics are
type LensLike f s t a b = (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
plus constraints
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
type Fold s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (a -> f a) -> (s -> f s)
And LensLike is very similar to traverse
traverse :: (Traversable g, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> (g a -> f (g b))
myTraversal :: myTraversal :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
Most optics are really just traverse wearing different pants.
Our first custom traversal
for lists
-- values :: Traversal [a] [b] a b
values :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
values _ [] = pure []
values handler (a : as) = liftA2 (:) (handler a) (values handler as)
-- >>> ["one", "two", "three"] & values %~ length
-- [3,3,5]
Traversals with custom logic
Some bank software
data Transaction
= Withdrawal {_amount :: Int}
| Deposit {_amount :: Int}
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Transaction
newtype BankAccount = BankAccount
{ _transactions :: [Transaction]
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''BankAccount
aliceAccount :: BankAccount
aliceAccount = BankAccount [Deposit 100, Withdrawal 20, Withdrawal 10]
-- >>>aliceAccount ^.. transactions . traversed . amount
-- [100,20,10]
Case study: Transaction Traversal
Need a traversal which focuses on only the dollar amounts of deposits within a given account.
-- deposits :: Traversal' [Transaction] Int
-- deposits :: Traversal [Transaction] [Transaction] Int Int
deposits :: Applicative f => (Int -> f Int) -> [Transaction] -> f [Transaction]
deposits _ [] = pure []
deposits handler (Withdrawal amt : rest) = fmap (Withdrawal amt :) (deposits handler rest)
deposits handler (Deposit amt : rest) = liftA2 (:) (Deposit <$> handler amt) (deposits handler rest)
-- >>>[Deposit 10, Withdrawal 20, Deposit 30] & deposits *~ 10
-- [Deposit {_amount = 100},Withdrawal {_amount = 20},Deposit {_amount = 300}]
deposits' :: Traversal' [Transaction] Int
deposits' = traversed . filtered (\case Deposit _ -> True; _ -> False) . amount
Exercises - Custom traversals
custom traversal
-- amountT :: Traversal' Transaction Int amountT :: Applicative f => (Int -> f Int) -> Transaction -> f Transaction amountT f = \case Deposit am -> Deposit <$> f am; Withdrawal am -> Withdrawal <$> f am
both' :: Traversal (a, a) (b, b) a b both' f (x, y) = liftA2 (,) (f x) (f y)
delta - Similar to change of coordinates via matrix pre- and post-multiplication
transactionDelta :: Traversal' Transaction Int transactionDelta f = \case Deposit amt -> Deposit <$> f amt; Withdrawal amt -> Withdrawal . negate <$> f (negate amt) -- >>> Deposit 10 ^? transactionDelta -- Just 10 -- Withdrawal's delta is negative -- >>> Withdrawal 10 ^? transactionDelta -- Just (-10) -- >>> Deposit 10 & transactionDelta .~ 15 -- Deposit {_amount = 15} -- >>> Withdrawal 10 & transactionDelta .~ (-15) -- Withdrawal {_amount = 15} -- >>> Deposit 10 & transactionDelta +~ 5 -- Deposit {_amount = 15} -- >>> Withdrawal 10 & transactionDelta +~ 5 -- Withdrawal {_amount = 5}
left' :: Traversal (Either a b) (Either a' b) a a'
left' f = \case Left e -> Left <$> f e; Right x -> pure $ Right x
beside' :: Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s' t' a b -> Traversal (s, s') (t, t') a b
beside' l r f (l1, r1) = liftA2 (,) (l f l1) (r f r1)
7.6 Traversal Laws
Law One: Respect Purity
Running the pure handler (which has no effects) using our traversal should be exactly
the same as running pure
on the original structure without using the traversal at all.
traverseOf myTraversal pure x == pure x
badTupleSnd :: Traversal (Int, a) (Int, b) a b
badTupleSnd handler (n, a) = (n + 1,) <$> handler a
-- >>> traverseOf badTupleSnd pure (10, "Yo")
-- (11,"Yo")
Law Two: Consistent Focuses
Running a traversal twice in a row with different handlers should be equivalent to running it once with the composition of those handlers.
x & myTraversal %~ f
& myTraversal %~ g
x & myTraversal %~ (g . f)
The traversal should never change which elements it focuses due to alterations on those elements.
breaks this law!
-- >>> 2 & filtered even %~ (+1) & filtered even %~ (*10)
-- 3
-- >>> 2 & filtered even %~ (*10) . (+1)
-- 30
Exercises - Traversal Laws
violates the Law Two-- >>>("hit the road, jack" :: String) & worded %~ take 3 & worded %~ drop 2 -- "t e a c" -- >>>("hit the road, jack" :: String) & worded %~ (take 3 . drop 2) -- "t e ad, ck"
Break the Law One
myTraversal :: Traversal Int Int Int Int myTraversal f _ = f 1 -- >>>(traverseOf myTraversal pure 6) :: Identity Int -- Identity 1 -- >>>pure 6 :: Identity Int -- Identity 6
Break the Law Two
ex60 :: Traversal' [Int] Int ex60 = traversed . filtered even -- >>> [1, 2, 3] & ex60 %~ (+ 1) & ex60 %~ (+ 2) -- [1,3,3] -- >>> [1, 2, 3] & ex60 %~ (+ 1) . (+ 2) -- [1,5,3]
Check lawful
is lawful -
is lawful -
is lawful -
is unlawful -
is lawful-- >>>("hit\nthe\nroad,\njack" :: String) & lined %~ take 3 & lined %~ drop 2 -- "t\ne\na\nc" -- >>>("hit\nthe\nroad,\njack" :: String) & lined %~ (take 3 . drop 2) -- "t\ne\nad,\nck"
update function can insert newlines
-- >>>("hit\nthe\nroad,\njack" :: String) & lined %~ (\(x:y:xs) -> (x:y:'\n':xs)) & lined %~ take 2
-- "hi\nt\nth\ne\nro\nad\nja\nck"
-- >>>("hit\nthe\nroad,\njack" :: String) & lined %~ (take 2 . \(x:y:xs) -> (x:y:'\n':xs))
-- "hi\nth\nro\nja"
7.7 Advanced manipulation
-- >>>:t partsOf
-- partsOf :: Functor f => Traversing (->) f s t a a -> LensLike f s t [a] [a]
Make a lens whose focuses are focuses of a provided traversal
partsOf :: Traversal' s a -> Lens' s [a]
-- >>> [('a', 1 :: Int), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)] & partsOf (traversed . _2) .~ [4]
-- [('a',4),('b',2),('c',3)]
-- >>> [('a', 1 :: Int), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)] & partsOf (traversed . _2) .~ [4,5,6,7,8]
-- [('a',4),('b',5),('c',6)]
Cool example:
- focus all characters in strings
- concatenate, split into words, sort words, concatenate back
- place on corresponding places
-- >>> ("how is a raven ", "like a ", "writing desk") & partsOf (each . traversed) %~ unwords . sort . words
-- ("a a desk how is"," like r","aven writing")
Placement matters
-- Collect 'each' tuple element into a list, then traverse that list
-- >>> ("abc", "def") ^.. partsOf each . traversed
-- ["abc","def"]
-- Collect each tuple element, then traverse those strings collecting each character into a list.
-- >>> (("abc", "def") ^.. partsOf (each . traversed)) :: [String]
-- ["abcdef"]
Can use other focuses for calculating each
ex61 :: [(Char, Double)]
ex61 =
[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
& partsOf (traversed . _2)
%~ \xs -> (/ sum xs) <$> xs
-- >>>ex61
-- [('a',0.16666666666666666),('b',0.3333333333333333),('c',0.5)]
Polymorphic partsOf
We can change type of focuses if supply enough elements
unsafePartsOf :: Traversal s t a b -> Lens s t [a] [b]
-- >>>[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)] & unsafePartsOf (traversed . _1) .~ [True, False]
-- unsafePartsOf': not enough elements were supplied
ex62 :: [((Char, Maybe Char), Integer)]
ex62 =
[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
& unsafePartsOf (traversed . _1)
%~ \xs -> zip xs ((Just <$> tail xs) ++ [Nothing])
-- >>>ex62
-- [(('a',Just 'b'),1),(('b',Just 'c'),2),(('c',Nothing),3)]
partsOf and other data structures
Replace each ID in a Tree with a User
userIds :: Tree UserId
lookupUsers :: [UserId] -> IO [User]
treeLookup :: Tree UserId -> IO (Tree User)
treeLookup = traverseOf (unsafePartsOf traversed) lookupUsers
Exercises - partsOf
-- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] ^. partsOf (traversed . filtered even)
-- [2,4]
-- >>> ["Aardvark" :: String, "Bandicoot", "Capybara"] ^. traversed . partsOf (taking 3 traversed)
-- "AarBanCap"
ex63 :: [Int]
ex63 = ([1, 2], M.fromList [('a', 3), ('b', 4)]) ^. partsOf (beside traversed traversed)
-- >>> ex63
-- [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] & partsOf (traversed . filtered even) .~ [20, 40]
-- [1,20,3,40]
-- >>> ["Aardvark", "Bandicoot", "Capybara"] & partsOf (traversed . traversed) .~ "Kangaroo"
-- ["Kangaroo","Bandicoot","Capybara"]
-- >>> ["Aardvark", "Bandicoot", "Capybara"] & partsOf (traversed . traversed) .~ "Ant"
-- ["Antdvark","Bandicoot","Capybara"]
-- Modifying
-- Tip: Map values are traversed in order by KEY
-- >>> M.fromList [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('c', 'c')] & partsOf traversed %~ \(x:xs) -> xs ++ [x]
-- fromList [('a','b'),('b','c'),('c','a')]
-- >>> ('a', 'b', 'c') & partsOf each %~ reverse
-- ('c','b','a')
-- >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] & partsOf (taking 3 traversed) %~ reverse
-- [3,2,1,4,5,6]
-- >>> ('a', 'b', 'c') & unsafePartsOf each %~ \xs -> fmap ((,) xs) xs
-- (("abc",'a'),("abc",'b'),("abc",'c'))
8. Indexable Structures
8.1 What's an "indexable" structure?
Indexable structures store values at named locations which can be identified by some index. That is, an index represents a specific location within a data structure where a value might be stored.
Data structures have different interfaces (lists, dicts)
8.2 Accessing and updating values with 'Ixed'
The Ixed Class
Unifies the interface to all data structures.
class Ixed m where
ix :: Index m -> Traversal' m (IxValue m)
makes a Traversal because an Index at a specified location may be missing.
These are Type Families that calculate an index an a value types for a data structure.
type instance Index [a] = Int
type instance IxValue [a] = a
type instance Index (Map k a) = k
type instance IxValue (Map k a) = a
type instance Index Text = Int
type instance IxValue Text = Char
type instance Index ByteString = Int
type instance IxValue ByteString = Word8
Accessing and setting values with ix
Can't add or remove focuses.
humanoids :: [String]
humanoids = ["Borg", "Cardassian", "Talaxian"]
-- >>> -- Get the value at index 1:
-- >>> humanoids & ix 1 .~ "Vulcan"
-- ["Borg","Vulcan","Talaxian"]
-- >>> -- There's no value at index 10 so the traversal doesn't focus anything
-- >>> humanoids & ix 10 .~ "Romulan"
-- ["Borg","Cardassian","Talaxian"]
benders :: M.Map String String
benders = M.fromList [("Katara", "Water"), ("Toph", "Earth"), ("Zuko", "Fire")]
-- Get the value at key "Zuko"
-- >>> benders ^? ix "Zuko"
-- Just "Fire"
-- If there's no value at a key, the traversal returns zero elements
-- >>> benders ^? ix "Sokka"
-- Nothing
-- We can set the value at a key, but only if that key already exists
-- >>> benders & ix "Toph" .~ "Metal"
-- fromList [("Katara","Water"),("Toph","Metal"),("Zuko","Fire")]
-- Setting a non-existent element of a Map does NOT insert it.
-- >>> benders & ix "Iroh" .~ "Lightning"
-- fromList [("Katara","Water"),("Toph","Earth"),("Zuko","Fire")]
Indexed Structures
-- >>> :kind! forall a. Index [a]
-- forall a. Index [a] :: *
-- = Int
-- >>> :kind! forall a. IxValue [a]
-- forall a. IxValue [a] :: *
-- = a
Indexing monomorphic types
-- >>>("hello" :: T.Text) ^? ix 0
-- Just 'h'
-- We can edit a Word8 within a ByteString as though it's an integer.
-- >>> ("hello" :: BS.ByteString) & ix 0 +~ 2
-- "jello"
Cool example:
ex64 :: [T.Text]
ex64 = ("hello" :: T.Text) & ix 1 %%~ const ("aeiou" :: [Char])
type instance IxValue [a] = a
instance Ixed [a] where
ix k f xs0 | k < 0 = pure xs0
| otherwise = go xs0 k where
go [] _ = pure []
go (a:as) 0 = f a <&> (:as)
go (a:as) i = (a:) <$> (go as $! i - 1)
{-# INLINE ix #-}
So, we'll pre- and append the not-focused parts inside the Functorial context.
ex64' :: [String]
ex64' = ('h' :) <$> (const "aeiou" 'e' <&> (: "llo"))
-- >>>ex64'
-- ["hallo","hello","hillo","hollo","hullo"]
Indexing stranger structures
Numbers denote node children
tree :: Tree Int
tree = Node 1 [Node 2 [Node 4 []], Node 3 [Node 5 [], Node 6 []]]
-- >>> tree ^? ix [1, 1]
-- Just 6
-- >>> tree ^? ix [5, 6]
-- Nothing
We can "set" or traverse individual results of a function! Here we overwrite the function's output at the input value "password" so it instead returns a new value.
-- >>> myPass = (reverse & ix "password" .~ "You found the secret!")
-- >>> "pass" & myPass
-- "ssap"
-- >>> "password" & myPass
-- "You found the secret!"
8.3 Inserting & Deleting with 'At'
Map-like structures
Can be used with structures that support inserts by an arbitrary index.
Map k v
Set k
(~Map k ()
) Lists don't support that. E.g., can't insert 10th element without having 9th.
class At where
at :: Index m -> Lens' m (Maybe (IxValue m))
ix :: Index m -> Traversal' m (IxValue m)
at :: Index m -> Lens' m (Maybe (IxValue m))
(?~) :: Traversal s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> t
-- >>>benders & at "Iroh" ?~ "Lightning"
-- fromList [("Iroh","Lightning"),("Katara","Water"),("Toph","Earth"),("Zuko","Fire")]
sans :: At m => Index m -> m -> m
sans k = at k .~ Nothing
-- >>> sans "Katara" benders
-- fromList [("Toph","Earth"),("Zuko","Fire")]
ps :: [Int]
ps = foldl (\acc x -> acc <> check acc x) [2] [3 .. 100]
check (a : as) x
| a * a > x = [x]
| x `mod` a == 0 = []
| otherwise = check as x
check [] x = [x]
-- >>> ps
-- [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]
primes :: S.Set Int
primes = S.fromList (ps ^.. taking 5 traversed)
-- >>> primes & at 17 ?~ ()
-- fromList [2,3,5,7,11,17]
Exercises - Indexable Structuresm
- fill in blanks
-- >>> ["Larry", "Curly", "Moe"] & ix 1 .~ "Wiggly"
-- ["Larry","Wiggly","Moe"]
heroesAndVillains :: M.Map String String
heroesAndVillains = M.fromList [("Superman", "Lex"), ("Batman", "Joker")]
-- >>> heroesAndVillains & at "Spiderman" .~ Just "Goblin"
-- fromList [("Batman","Joker"),("Spiderman","Goblin"),("Superman","Lex")]
-- >>> sans "Superman" heroesAndVillains
-- fromList [("Batman","Joker")]
-- >>> S.fromList ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] & at 'y' .~ Just () & at 'i' .~ Nothing
-- fromList "aeouy"
- input -> output
input :: M.Map String Integer
input = M.fromList [("candy bars", 13), ("gum", 7), ("soda", 34)]
output :: M.Map String Integer
output = M.fromList [("candy bars", 13), ("ice cream", 5), ("soda", 37)]
-- >>> input & at "soda" %~ ((+ 3) <$>) & sans "gum" & at "ice cream" ?~ 5
-- fromList [("candy bars",13),("ice cream",5),("soda",37)]
-- TODO find 8.5 + and prisms and
10. Isos
- isomorphism - a completely reversible transformation between two types or formats.
- every iso MUST succeed for all inputs.
Example: converting Text
to String
T.pack . T.unpack = id
T.unpack . T.pack = id
Construct an Iso
iso :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
packed :: Iso' String T.Text
packed = iso to' from'
to' :: String -> T.Text
to' = T.pack
from' :: T.Text -> String
from' = T.unpack
-- >>> ("Ay, caramba!" :: String) ^. packed
-- "Ay, caramba!"
-- Use isos as prisms
-- >>> packed # ("Sufferin' Succotash" :: T.Text)
-- "Sufferin' Succotash"
10.3 Flipping isos with from
from :: Iso s t a b -> Iso b a t s
from :: Iso' s a -> Iso' a s
-- >>> ("Good grief" :: T.Text) ^. from packed
-- "Good grief"
Reversing again.
unpacked :: Iso' T.Text String
unpacked = from packed
10.4 Modification under isomorphism
Example: focus on Text
(to use functions existing for Text
), then convert back to a String
-- >>> let str = "Idol on a pedestal" :: String
-- >>> over packed (T.replace "Idol" "Sand") str
-- "Sand on a pedestal"
-- Combining with other optics
-- >>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- >>> let txt = "Lorem ipsum" :: T.Text
-- >>> txt & from packed . traversed %~ toUpper
10.5 Varieties of isomorphisms
Isos for the same type
reversed :: Iso' [a] [a]
reversed = iso reverse reverse
involuted :: (a -> a) -> Iso' a a
involuted f = iso f f
reversed :: Iso' [a] [a]
reversed = involuted reverse
-- >>> "Blue suede shoes" & reversed . taking 1 worded . reversed .~ "gloves"
-- "Blue suede gloves"
Rearrange pairs
swapped :: Iso (s, s') (t, t') (a, a') (b, b')
swapped :: (Bifunctor p, Swapped p) => Iso (p a b) (p c d) (p b a) (p d c)
-- >>> ("Fall","Pride") ^. swapped
-- ("Pride","Fall")
-- >>> Right "Field" ^. swapped
-- Left "Field"
Isos for functions
flipped :: Iso' (a -> b -> c) (b -> a -> c)
-- >>> let (++?) = (++) ^. flipped
-- >>> "A" ++? "B"
-- "BA"
curried :: Iso' ((a, b) -> c) (a -> b -> c)
uncurried :: Iso' (a -> b -> c) ((a, b) -> c)
-- >>> let addTuple = (+) ^. uncurried
-- >>> addTuple (1, 2)
-- 3
Isos for numbers
-- >>> 100 ^. adding 50
-- 150
Composing isos
-- >>> import Numeric.Lens
-- >>> 30 & dividing 10 . multiplying 2 +~ 1
-- 35.0
-- 30 -> 30/10 = 3 -> 3 * 2 = 6 -> 6 + 1 = 7 -> 7 / 2 = 3.5 -> 3.5 * 10 = 35
Exercises - Intro to Isos
Choose the best optic:
- Focus a Celsius temperature in Fahrenheit - Iso - reversible
- Focus the last element of a list - Traversal - the element may be missing
- View a JSON object as its corresponding Haskell Record - Prism - may fail to parse
- Rotate the elements of a three-tuple one to the right - Iso - rotation is reversible
- Focus on the 'bits' of an Int as Bools - Traversal or Prism - multiple focuses
- Focusing an IntSet from a Set Int - Iso - reversible
Fill in the blank
-- >>> ("Beauty", "Age") ^. swapped
-- ("Age","Beauty")
-- >>> 50 ^. adding 10
-- 60
-- >>> 50 ^. from (adding 10)
-- 40
-- >>> 0 & multiplying 4 +~ 12
-- 3.0
-- >>> 0 & adding 10 . multiplying 2 .~ _
-- 2
-- Note: transpose flips the rows and columns of a nested list:
-- >>> import Data.List (transpose)
-- >>> transpose [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]
-- [[1,10],[2,20],[3,30]]
-- >>> [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]] & involuted transpose %~ drop 1
-- [[2,3],[20,30]]
-- Extra hard: use `switchCase` somehow to make this statement work:
ex65 :: (Integer, String)
ex65 = (32, "Hi") & _2 . involuted (map switchCase) .~ ("hELLO" :: String)
switchCase c = if isUpper c then toLower c else toUpper c
-- >>> ex65
-- (32,"Hello")
- Conversion
celsiusToF :: Double -> Double
celsiusToF c = (c * (9 / 5)) + 32
fToCelsius :: Double -> Double
fToCelsius f = (f - 32) * 5 / 9
fahrenheit' :: Iso' Double Double
fahrenheit' = iso fToCelsius celsiusToF
-- >>> 0 & fahrenheit' .~ 100
-- 212.0
10.6 Projecting Isos
We can lift Isos into other structures.
mapping :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Iso s t a b -> Iso (f s) (g t) (f a) (g b)
toYamlList :: [String] -> String
toYamlList xs = "- " <> intercalate "\n- " xs
shoppingList :: [T.Text]
shoppingList = ["Milk", "Eggs", "Flour"] :: [T.Text]
-- >>> shoppingList ^. mapping unpacked . to toYamlList
-- "- Milk\n- Eggs\n- Flour"
There's more:
contramapping :: Contravariant f => Iso s t a b -> Iso (f a) (f b) (f s) (f t)
bimapping :: (Bifunctor f, Bifunctor g) => Iso s t a b -> Iso s' t' a' b' -> Iso (f s s') (g t t') (f a a') (g b b')
dimapping :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q) => Iso s t a b -> Iso s' t' a' b' -> Iso (p a s') (q b t') (p s a') (q t b')
textToYamlList :: [T.Text] -> T.Text
textToYamlList = (toYamlList :: [String] -> String) ^. dimapping (mapping unpacked :: Iso' [T.Text] [String]) (packed :: Iso' String T.Text)
-- much more readable
textToYamlList' :: [T.Text] -> T.Text
textToYamlList' = T.pack . toYamlList . fmap T.unpack
Exercises - Projected Isos
Fill in the blank
-- >>> ("Beauty", "Age") ^. mapping reversed . swapped -- ("egA","Beauty") -- >>> [True, False, True] ^. mapping (involuted not) -- [False,True,False] -- >>> [True, False, True] & mapping (involuted not) %~ filter id -- [False] -- >>> (show ^. mapping reversed) 1234 -- "4321"
enum :: Enum a => Iso' Int a
implement theintNot
.intNot :: Int -> Int intNot = not ^. dimapping enum (from enum) -- >>> intNot 0 -- 1 -- >>> intNot 1 -- 0 -- >>> intNot 2 -- Prelude.Enum.Bool.toEnum: bad argument intNot' :: Int -> Int intNot' = fromEnum . not . toEnum @Bool -- >>> intNot' 0 -- 1 -- >>> intNot' 1 -- 0 -- >>> intNot' 2 -- Prelude.Enum.Bool.toEnum: bad argument
10.7 Isos and newtypes
Coercing with isos
- Coercible is derived for newtypes by the compiler
- Can coerce between newtypes
coerced :: (Coercible s a, Coercible t b) => Iso s t a b
newtype Email = Email {_email :: String} deriving (Show)
-- >>> Email "hi\nu"
-- Email {_email = "hi\nu"}
-- >>> over coerced (reverse :: String -> String) (Email "") :: Email
-- Email {_email = "moc.elpmaxe@eoj"}
email :: Iso' Email String
email = coerced
ex66 :: String
ex66 = Email "" ^. email . reversed
Newtype wrapper isos
derives isos
_Wrapped' :: Wrapped s => Iso' s (Unwrapped s)
_Unwrapped' :: Wrapped s => Iso' (Unwrapped s) s
- map only between types and their newtype wrappers.
- can be generated via
makeWrapped ''Email
ex67 :: Email
ex67 = Email "" & _Wrapped' @Email %~ reverse
-- >>> ex67
-- Email {_email = "moc.elpmaxe@eoj"}
10.8 Laws
myIso . from myIso == id
from myIso . myIso == id
-- >>> view (from reversed . reversed) ("Testing one two three")
-- "Testing one two three"
Exercises - Iso Laws
The following iso is unlawful; provide a counter example which shows that it breaks the law.
mapList :: Ord k => Iso' (M.Map k v) [(k, v)] mapList = iso M.toList M.fromList kvInts :: [(Int, Int)] kvInts = [(2 :: Int, 1 :: Int), (1, 2)] ex68 :: [(Int, Int)] ex68 = kvInts ^. from mapList . mapList -- >>> ex68 -- [(1,2),(2,1)] -- >>> ex68 == kvInts -- False
Is there a lawful implementation of the following iso? If so, implement it, if not, why not?
- Yes, there is one.
nonEmptyList :: Iso [a] [b] (Maybe (NonEmpty a)) (Maybe (NonEmpty b)) nonEmptyList = iso nonEmpty (maybe [] Data.List.NonEmpty.toList) -- >>> [] ^. nonEmptyList . from nonEmptyList -- [] -- >>> Nothing ^. from nonEmptyList . nonEmptyList -- Nothing -- >>> [1] ^. nonEmptyList . from nonEmptyList -- [1] -- >>> (Just (1 :| [])) ^. from nonEmptyList . nonEmptyList -- Just (1 :| [])
Is there a lawful implementation of an iso which 'sorts' a list of elements? If so, implement it, if not, why not?
sorted :: Ord a => Iso' [a] [a]
- There's no implementation for this iso because it loses the info about the initial element order.
What about the following iso which pairs each element with an Int which remembers its original position in the list. Is this a lawful iso? Why or why not? If not, try to find a counter-example.
sorted :: (Ord a) => Iso' [a] [(Int, a)] sorted = iso to' from' where to' xs = L.sortOn snd $ zip [0 ..] xs from' xs = snd <$> L.sortOn fst xs -- >>> [2, 1] ^. sorted . from sorted -- [2,1] -- >>> [(1, 1), (0, 2)] ^. from sorted . sorted -- [(1,1),(0,2)]
11. Indexed Optics
11.1 What are indexed optics?
Let accumulate information about the current focus.
itraversed :: TraversableWithIndex i t => IndexedTraversal i (t a) (t b) a b
There are instances of TraversableWithIndex
for most data structures. Like Ixed
and At
itoListOf :: IndexedGetting i (Endo [(i, a)]) s a -> s -> [(i, a)]
(^@..) :: s -> IndexedGetting i (Endo [(i, a)]) s a -> [(i, a)]
-- >>> itoListOf itraversed ["Summer", "Fall", "Winter", "Spring"]
-- [(0,"Summer"),(1,"Fall"),(2,"Winter"),(3,"Spring")]
Indices are added by actions
Indexed action
accepts an indexed optic
There are actions for: Lens
, Traversal
, Fold
, Getter
, Setter
No actions for: Prisms
, Isos
Usually used for Folds or Traversals.
-- The index type of maps is the key,
-- so we can get a list of all elements and their key:
-- >>> let agenda = M.fromList [("Monday", "Shopping"), ("Tuesday", "Swimming")]
-- >>> agenda ^@.. itraversed
-- [("Monday","Shopping"),("Tuesday","Swimming")]
-- The index type of trees is a list of int's
-- which indicates their location in the tree
-- (See the section on indexed data structures)
-- >>> import Data.Tree
-- >>> let t = Node "top" [Node "left" [], Node "right" []]
-- >>> t ^@.. itraversed
-- [([],"top"),([0],"left"),([1],"right")]
11.2 Index Composition
Index of a path will be the index of the last indexed optic in the path.
agenda :: M.Map String [String]
agenda = M.fromList [("Monday", ["Shopping", "Yoga"]), ("Saturday", ["Brunch", "Food coma"])]
-- >>> agenda ^@.. itraversed . itraversed
-- [(0,"Shopping"),(1,"Yoga"),(0,"Brunch"),(1,"Food coma")]
: Use the index of the optic to the left(.>)
: Use the index of the optic to the right (This is how . already behaves)(<.>)
: Combine the indices of both sides as a tuple
Use map key as an index
-- >>> agenda ^@.. itraversed <. itraversed
-- [("Monday","Shopping"),("Monday","Yoga"),("Saturday","Brunch"),("Saturday","Food coma")]
-- >>> agenda ^@.. itraversed <.> itraversed
-- [(("Monday",0),"Shopping"),(("Monday",1),"Yoga"),(("Saturday",0),"Brunch"),(("Saturday",1),"Food coma")]
Custom index composition
Composition of Indexed functions with a user supplied function for combining indices.
icompose :: Indexable p c
=> (i -> j -> p)
-> (Indexed i s t -> r)
-> (Indexed j a b -> s -> t)
-> c a b
-> r
showDayAndNumber :: String -> Int -> String
showDayAndNumber a b = a <> ": " <> show b
-- >>> agenda ^@.. icompose showDayAndNumber itraversed itraversed
-- [("Monday: 0","Shopping"),("Monday: 1","Yoga"),("Saturday: 0","Brunch"),("Saturday: 1","Food coma")]
custom operator
(<symbols>) :: (Indexed <indexTypeA> s t -> r)
-> (Indexed <indexTypeB> a b -> s -> t)
-> (Indexed <combinedType> a b -> r)
(<symbols>) = icompose <combinationFunction>
(.++) :: (Indexed String s t -> r) -> (Indexed String a b -> s -> t) -> Indexed String a b -> r
(.++) = icompose (\a b -> a ++ ", " ++ b)
populationMap :: M.Map String (M.Map String Int)
populationMap =
[ ("Canada", M.fromList [("Ottawa", 994837), ("Toronto", 2930000)])
, ("Germany", M.fromList [("Berlin", 3748000), ("Munich", 1456000)])
-- >>> populationMap ^@.. itraversed .++ itraversed
-- [("Canada, Ottawa",994837),("Canada, Toronto",2930000),("Germany, Berlin",3748000),("Germany, Munich",1456000)]
-- >>> M.fromList [("streamResponse", False), ("useSSL", True)] ^@.. itraversed
-- [("streamResponse",False),("useSSL",True)]
-- >>> (M.fromList [('a', 1), ('b', 2)], M.fromList [('c', 3), ('d', 4)]) ^@.. both . itraversed
-- [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4)]
ex69 :: [(Char, Bool)]
ex69 = M.fromList [('a', (True, 1)), ('b', (False, 2))] ^@.. itraversed <. _1
-- >>> ex69
-- [('a',True),('b',False)]
-- >>> [M.fromList [("Tulips", 5), ("Roses", 3)] , M.fromList [("Goldfish", 11), ("Frogs", 8)]] ^@.. itraversed <.> itraversed
-- [((0,"Roses"),3),((0,"Tulips"),5),((1,"Frogs"),8),((1,"Goldfish"),11)]
ex70 :: [Int]
ex70 = [10 :: Int, 20, 30] & itraversed %@~ (+)
-- >>> ex70
-- [10,21,32]
ex71 :: IO [String]
ex71 = itraverseOf itraversed (\i s -> pure (replicate i ' ' <> s)) ["one", "two", "three"]
-- >>> ex71
-- ["one"," two"," three"]
-- >>> itraverseOf itraversed (\n s -> pure (show n <> ": " <> s)) ["Go shopping", "Eat lunch", "Take a nap"]
-- ["0: Go shopping","1: Eat lunch","2: Take a nap"]
11.3 Filtering by index
indices :: (Indexable i p, Applicative f) => (i -> Bool) -> Optical' p (Indexed i) f a a
-- Get list elements with an 'even' list-index:
-- >>> ['a'..'z'] ^.. itraversed . indices even
-- "acegikmoqsuwy"
ratings :: M.Map String Integer
ratings =
[ ("Dark Knight", 94)
, ("Dark Knight Rises", 87)
, ("Death of Superman", 92)
-- >>> ratings ^.. itraversed . indices (has (prefixed "Dark"))
-- [94,87]
Target a single index
index :: (Indexable i p, Eq i, Applicative f) => i -> Optical' p (Indexed i) f a a
-- >>> ratings ^? itraversed . index "Death of Superman"
-- Just 92
Exercises schedule
exercises :: M.Map String (M.Map String Int) exercises = M.fromList [ ("Monday", M.fromList [("pushups", 10), ("crunches", 20)]) , ("Wednesday", M.fromList [("pushups", 15), ("handstands", 3)]) , ("Friday", M.fromList [("crunches", 25), ("handstands", 5)]) ] -- >>> exercises -- fromList [("Friday",fromList [("crunches",25),("handstands",5)]),("Monday",fromList [("crunches",20),("pushups",10)]),("Wednesday",fromList [("handstands",3),("pushups",15)])]
Compute the total number of "crunches" you should do this week.
ex72 :: Int ex72 = sumOf (traversed . itraversed . indices (has (only "crunches"))) exercises -- >>> ex72 -- 45
Compute the number of reps you need to do across all exercise types on Wednesday.
ex73 :: Int ex73 = sumOf (itraversed . indices (has (only "Wednesday")) . traversed) exercises -- >>> ex73 -- 18
List out the number of pushups you need to do each day, you can use ix to help this time if you wish.
ex74 :: [Int] ex74 = exercises ^.. traversed . at "pushups" . non 0 -- >>> ex74 -- [0,10,15]
board :: [String] board = [ "XOO" , ".XO" , "X.." ]
Generate a list of positions alongside their (row, column) coordinates.
ex75 :: [((Int, Int), Char)] ex75 = board ^@.. itraversed <.> itraversed -- >>> ex75 -- [((0,0),'X'),((0,1),'O'),((0,2),'O'),((1,0),'.'),((1,1),'X'),((1,2),'O'),((2,0),'X'),((2,1),'.'),((2,2),'.')]
Set the empty square at (1, 0) to an 'X'. HINT: When using the custom composition operators you'll often need to introduce parenthesis to get the right precedence.
ex76 :: [String] ex76 = board & ix 1 . ix 0 .~ 'X' -- >>> ex76 -- ["XOO","XXO","X.."]
Get the 2nd column as a list (e.g. "OX."). Try to do it using index instead of indices!
ex77 :: [Char] ex77 = board ^.. itraversed . itraversed . index 1 -- >>> ex77 -- "OX."
Get the 3rd row as a list (e.g. "X.."). Try to do it using index instead of indices! HINT: The precedence for this one can be tricky too.
ex78 :: [String] ex78 = board ^.. itraversed . index 2 -- >>> ex78 -- ["X.."]
11.4 Custom indexed optics
data Board a = Board a a a a a a a a a deriving (Show, Foldable)
data Position = I | II | III deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
testBoard :: Board Char
testBoard = Board 'X' 'O' 'X' '.' 'X' 'O' '.' 'O' 'X'
Want to access positions in grid. Need to index.
ifolding :: (Foldable f, Indexable i p, Contravariant g, Applicative g) => (s -> f (i, a)) -> Over p g s t a b
slotsFold :: IndexedFold (Position, Position) (Board a) a
slotsFold =
ifolding $ \board_ ->
-- Use a list comprehension to get the list of all coordinate pairs
-- in the correct order, then zip them with all the slots in our board
[(x, y) | y <- [I, II, III], x <- [I, II, III]]
(Foldable.toList board_)
-- >>> testBoard ^@.. slotsFold
-- [((I,I),'X'),((II,I),'O'),((III,I),'X'),((I,II),'.'),((II,II),'X'),((III,II),'O'),((I,III),'.'),((II,III),'O'),((III,III),'X')]
-- Filter indices where the Y coord is 'II'
-- >>> testBoard ^@.. slotsFold . indices ((== II) . snd)
-- [((I,II),'.'),((II,II),'X'),((III,II),'O')]
Custom IndexedTraversals
-- define a polymorphic indexed traversal with a tuple of positions as the index:
slotsTraversal :: IndexedTraversal (Position, Position) (Board a) (Board b) a b
slotsTraversal p (Board a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3) =
<$> indexed p (I, I) a1
<*> indexed p (II, I) b1
<*> indexed p (III, I) c1
<*> indexed p (I, II) a2
<*> indexed p (II, II) b2
<*> indexed p (III, II) c2
<*> indexed p (I, III) a3
<*> indexed p (II, III) b3
<*> indexed p (III, III) c3
-- >>> testBoard ^@.. slotsTraversal
-- [((I,I),'X'),((II,I),'O'),((III,I),'X'),((I,II),'.'),((II,II),'X'),((III,II),'O'),((I,III),'.'),((II,III),'O'),((III,III),'X')]
-- >>> testBoard & slotsTraversal . indices ((== II) . snd) .~ '?'
-- Board 'X' 'O' 'X' '?' '?' '?' '.' 'O' 'X'
printBoard :: Board Char -> String
printBoard = execWriter . itraverseOf slotsTraversal printSlot
printSlot (III, _) c = tell ([c] <> "\n") >> pure [c]
printSlot (_, _) c = tell [c] >> pure [c]
-- >>> printBoard testBoard
-- "XOX\n.XO\n.OX\n"
type IndexedTraversal i s t a b = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
is a Profunctor
indexed p
reduces it to a function
indexed :: Indexable i p => p a b -> i -> a -> b
There's also ilens
ilens :: (s -> (i, a)) -> (s -> b -> t) -> IndexedLens i s t a b
Index helpers
Add numeric index alongside elements of an optic.
indexing :: Traversal s t a b -> IndexedTraversal Int s t a b
-- >>> ("hello" :: T.Text) ^@.. indexing each
-- [(0,'h'),(1,'e'),(2,'l'),(3,'l'),(4,'o')]
Re-map or edit the indexes of an optic
reindexed :: Indexable j p => (i -> j) -> (Indexed i a b -> r) -> p a b -> r
-- >>> ['a'..'c'] ^@.. itraversed
-- [(0,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'c')]
-- >>> ['a'..'c'] ^@.. reindexed (*10) itraversed
-- [(0,'a'),(10,'b'),(20,'c')]
Set the index of the path to the current value. This is to bring the upper context to lower path sections. Useful for JSON.
selfIndex :: Indexable a p => p a fb -> a -> fb
-- >>> [("Betty", 37), ("Veronica", 12)] ^.. itraversed . selfIndex <. _2
-- [(("Betty",37),37),(("Veronica",12),12)]
Exercises - Custom Indexed Optics
- Write an indexed Traversal
-- pair :: IndexedFold Bool (a, a) a
pair :: IndexedTraversal Bool (a, a) (b, b) a b
pair p (x, y) = (,) <$> indexed p False x <*> indexed p True y
-- >>> ('a', 'b') ^@.. pair
-- [(False,'a'),(True,'b')]
to provide an indexed list traversal which starts at1
instead of0
oneIndexed :: IndexedTraversal Int [a] [b] a b oneIndexed = reindexed (+ 1) itraversed -- >>> ['a'..'d'] ^@.. oneIndexed -- [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d')]
to write a traversal indexed by the distance to the end of the list.invertedIndex :: IndexedTraversal Int [a] [b] a b invertedIndex p x = reindexed ((length x - 1) -) itraversed p x -- >>> ['a'..'d'] ^@.. invertedIndex -- [(3,'a'),(2,'b'),(1,'c'),(0,'d')]
Build the following combinators using only compositions of other optics.
chars :: IndexedTraversal Int T.Text T.Text Char Char chars p x = T.pack <$> itraversed p (T.unpack x) -- >>> ("banana" :: T.Text) ^@.. chars -- [(0,'b'),(1,'a'),(2,'n'),(3,'a'),(4,'n'),(5,'a')] -- charCoords :: IndexedTraversal (Int, Int) String String Char Char -- charCoords p x = itraversed p (itraversed p (lines x)) chc :: [((Int, Int), Char)] chc = "line\nby\nline" ^@.. indexing lined <.> itraversed -- >>> chc -- [((0,0),'l'),((0,1),'i'),((0,2),'n'),((0,3),'e'),((1,0),'b'),((1,1),'y'),((2,0),'l'),((2,1),'i'),((2,2),'n'),((2,3),'e')]
11.5 Index-preserving optics
Some optics forget the index. Can make existing optics index-preserving.
cloneIndexPreservingLens :: Lens s t a b -> IndexPreservingLens s t a b
cloneIndexPreservingTraversal :: Traversal s t a b -> IndexPreservingTraversal s t a b
cloneIndexPreservingSetter :: Setter s t a b -> IndexPreservingSetter s t a b
-- Now the index 'passes-through' `_1'` to the end.
-- >>> let _1' = cloneIndexPreservingLens _1
-- >>> [('a', True), ('b', False), ('c', True)] ^@.. itraversed . _1'
-- [(0,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'c')]
Or, make lens index-preserving initially.
iplens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> IndexPreservingLens s t a b
13. Optics and Monads
13.1 Reader Monad and View
view :: MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
s -> a
is a valid MonadReader s m => m a
where m ~ (->) s
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return = const
f >>= k = \r -> k (f r) r
type UserName = String
type Password = String
data Env = Env
{ _currentUser :: UserName
, _users :: M.Map UserName Password
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Env
getUserPassword :: ReaderT Env IO (Maybe String)
getUserPassword = do
userName_ <- view currentUser
maybePassword <- preview (users . ix userName_)
liftIO $ pure maybePassword
-- >>> flip runReaderT (Env "Hey" (M.fromList [("Hey", "password")])) getUserPassword
-- Just "password"
-- st :: String
st2 :: [Char]
st2 = ("optics by fun" :: String) & itraversed %@~ \i c -> chr (ord c + i)
-- >>> st2
-- "oqvlgx&i\129)p\128z"
st :: String
st = "oqvlgx&i\129)p\128z" & itraversed %@~ \i c -> chr (ord c - i)
-- >>> st
-- "optics by fun"
13.2 State Monad Combinators
- till calculator for recording the sale of a couple beers
data Till = Till
{ _total :: Double
, _sales :: [Double]
, _taxRate :: Double
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Till
(.=) :: MonadState s m => Lens s s a b -> b -> m ()
saleCalculation :: StateT Till IO ()
saleCalculation = do
total .= 0