{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Try.ParallelAndConcurrentHaskell.MVar where

import Control.Concurrent ()
import Control.Exception (SomeException (SomeException), catch, mask, throw)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import UnliftIO (MVar, atomically, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, newTMVarIO, putMVar, takeMVar, takeTMVar)


MVar as a Container for Shared State

MVars are lazy.

name :: String
name = "name"

number :: String
number = "number"

book :: Map.Map String String
book = Map.empty

p1 :: IO ()
p1 = do
  m <- newMVar book
  putMVar m (Map.insert name number book)

This places in the MVar the unevaluated expression Map.insert name number book.

Benefit: can unlock state and dont wait for insert to complete. Drawback: consecutive inserts may create thunks

Solution - evaluate to WHNF

p2 :: IO ()
p2 = do
  m <- newMVar book
  putMVar m $! Map.insert name number book


No thread can be blocked indefinitely on an MVar unless another thread holds that MVar indefinitely.

In other words, if a thread T is blocked in takeMVar and there are regular putMVar operations on the same MVar, it is guaranteed that at some point thread T’s takeMVar will return. In GHC, this guarantee is implemented by keeping blocked threads in a FIFO queue attached to the MVar, so eventually every thread in the queue will get to complete its operation as long as there are other threads performing regular putMVar operations (an equivalent guarantee applies to threads blocked in putMVar when there are regular takeMVars). Note that it is not enough to merely wake up the blocked thread because another thread might run first and take (respectively put) the MVar, causing the newly woken thread to go to the back of the queue again, which would invalidate the fairness guarantee. The implementation must therefore wake up the blocked thread and perform the blocked operation in a single atomic step, which is exactly what GHC does.

A consequence of the fairness implementation is that, when multiple threads are blocked in takeMVar and another thread does a putMVar, only one of the blocked threads becomes unblocked. This “single wakeup” property is a particularly important performance char‐ acteristic when a large number of threads are contending for a single MVar. As we shall see later, it is the fairness guarantee—together with the single wakeup property—that keeps MVars from being completely subsumed by software transactional memory.


  • thread A did takeMVar a >> putMVar b, thread B did putMVar b >> takeMVar a
    • Executes
      1. takeMVar a - A
      2. putMVar b - B
      3. putMVar b - A sleeps
      4. takeMVar a - B sleeps

Solution: Always first takeMVar, then putMVar.


If a thread does takeMVar, the MVar becomes empty, so no other thread may takeMVar. Then, that thread does putMVar. If the MVar modification was successful, the whole operation seems atomic to other threads.

From Control.Concurrent.MVar:

In particular, the "bigger" functions in this module (swapMVar, withMVar, modifyMVar_ and modifyMVar) are simply the composition of a takeMVar followed by a putMVar with exception safety. These have atomicity guarantees only if all other threads perform a takeMVar before a putMVar as well; otherwise, they may block.

Foreign calls