{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Try.TypeClasses.Theory where

Type classes

  • The part before the => is the context, while the part after the => is the head of the instance declaration. - src

    instance (assertion1, ..., assertion) => class type1 ... typem where ...
  • How are type classes implemented in Haskell?

    • All You Wanted to Know About Type Classes
      • What is a dictionary?

        • A data type with class functions as fields
      • How is it defined and passed into functions? - src

        • embed Superclass dictionary into Subclass dictionary
        newtype BaseD a = BaseD {base :: a -> Bool}
        data Sub1D a = Sub1D
          { super1 :: BaseD a
          , sub1 :: a -> Bool
      • Passed automatically by the compiler

  • Why using constraints on a type variable within a data declaration isn't a good idea?

    • They make code less flexible and disallow some instances - SO
    • Can be achieved by using GADTs
  • What is coherence and why is it important to maintain it? What are the possible cases of coherence violation?

    • A program is coherent if it has exactly one meaning — i.e., its semantics is unambiguously determined.

    • Coherence is when multiple type derivations are possible - SO
    • For each different derivation a different class instance can be used. This may lead to different behaviors
    • FlexibleInstances and MultiParamTypeClasses introduce incoherence
    • Need to maintain coherence to write a program whose type checking (static) doesn't change its runtime (dynamic) properties
  • Overlapping

    • How does the instance selection process happen?
      • Find an instance with satisfying B of (instance A => C B where)
      • Find instance for A
    • Is it possible to have overlapping instances?
      • instance C a and instance C Bool
    • Does having overlapping instances violate coherence?
      • No
    • Basics of Haskell instance selection - src
    • Is it possible to have a compiled and working program with coherence violations?
      • Yes - src (see example above)
    • How would you solve a problem of overlapping instances in various situations?
      • Make the most specific instance discoverable using the fine-grained per-instance pragmas
      • Rewrite
        • instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} C a and instance C Bool
        • instance C a and instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C Bool
        • OVERLAPS = both
  • Orphans

    • What are orphan instances? Why are they undesirable?
      • An orphan instance is a type class instance for class C and type T which is neither defined in the module where C is defined nor in the module where T is defined. - src
      • Type class instances are special in that they don't have a name and cannot be imported explicitly. This also means that they cannot be excluded explicitly. All instances defined in a module A are imported automatically when importing A, or importing any module that imports A, directly or indirectly.
      • Orphans may break the functionality planned by the library author
      • Orphans invalidate file fingerprints (hash of a file made by GHC to check later if a file has changed) and transitively - in modules that import them - src
    • How to deliver orphans?
      • Expose type and instance only together by putting orphans into modules and re-exporting them - src
        • Cons:
          • a user has to use your instances
          • your lib uses more dependencies
      • Define instances in a separate package - src
        • cons: need to track these packages
    • Does having orphan instances violate coherence?
      • When orphans violate coherence:
        • If you actually import both instances, your program will fail to compile.
        • If you do not directly import both, but rather use two modules which independently use the differing instances, you can end up with incoherent behaviour.
    • What are the pros and cons of isolating orphans in special modules?
      • Pros: less often fingerprints invalidation
      • Cons: need to recompile the whole project on changes in that module - src
  • How the problem of orphans and overlapping is solved in other languages or by different overloading implementation techniques?

    • Scala
      • An orphan instance in Scala means an instance that exists neither in the type's companion object nor the type class' companion object - src
      • Import packages with type and instance declaration separately
  • What are the problems of current typeclasses implementation?

    • There's no formal proof that instance resolution is coherent
  • Is there a problem of structuring the hierarchy of standard typeclasses?

  • What is Final Tagless (FT) style? - src

    • Example:
      • wimble :: (MonadReader Env m, MonadState State m) => m ()
    • Can extend in two dimensions
      1. a new interpreter (change implementation of MonadReader)
      2. a new set of operations (add a constraint like MonadWriter)
    • Application monad (AM) - a monad for organizing effectful application code
      • FT can define AM
    • Tagged Initial - sum types are represented as (tag, payload). tag - for pattern-matching
    • Tagless Initial - use GADTs to ban nonsense expressions, no tags
    • Final Tagless - use overloaded functions
  • Functor laws:

    fmap id = id
    fmap (f . g)  ==  fmap f . fmap g


class Foldable t where
  • When using folds, one can force the evaluation of an accumulator

    • deepseq - YT

    • BangPatterns with pattern matching on the element of an accumulator to force.

      -- >>> foldl (\(!a1, !a2) x -> (a1 + x, a2 + x)) (0, 0) [1..9]
      -- (45,45)
  • foldl' - fold a list from the left: f (f (f x a1) a2) ... and have accumulator in WHNF.

    • May need to force the accumulator
  • foldr - calculate the full list and fold it from the right: f (f (f x a5) a4) ....

    • Can terminate early if an operation is strict in the left argument (like &&) - SO

    • Can cause stack overflow as it has to evaluate the whole list first - wiki

      -- >>> foldr (&&) False (repeat False)
      -- False
  • fold :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m

    • folds a container with elements that have a Monoid instance

      -- >>> fold [Just "a", Nothing, Just "c"]
      -- Just "ac"
  • foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m - maps each element of a container to a Monoid and folds the container

    -- >>> foldMap Just ["a", "b", "c"]
    -- Just "abc"

Alternative and MonadPlus

  • Haskell wikibooks:
    • Alternative
      • Definition

        class Applicative f => Alternative f where
          empty :: f a
          (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
      • There's no instance for Either a

      • As it's an associative operation, it produces the same result for either fold

        -- >>> foldr (<|>) empty [Just "a", Nothing, Just "c", Nothing, Just "e"]
        -- Just "a"
        -- >>> foldl' (<|>) empty [Just "a", Nothing, Just "c", Nothing, Just "e"]
        -- Just "a"


  • Haskell wikibooks:

    class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
      traverse :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
      sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
      -- These methods have default definitions.
      -- They are merely specialised versions of the other two.
      mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
      sequence :: (Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)

