{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-kind-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-type-patterns #-}

module Try.TypeFamilies.Theory where

import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import Data.Kind ( Type )

Type and Data Families

Haskell wiki (src):

The concept of a type family comes from type theory. An indexed type family in type theory is a partial function at the type level. Applying the function to parameters (called type indices) yields a type. Type families permit a program to compute what data constructors it will operate on, rather than having them fixed statically (as with simple type systems) or treated as opaque unknowns (as with parametrically polymorphic types).

Type families are to vanilla data types what type class methods are to regular functions. Vanilla polymorphic data types and functions have a single definition, which is used at all type instances. Classes and type families, on the other hand, have an interface definition and any number of instance definitions. A type family's interface definition declares its kind and its arity, or the number of type indices it takes. Instance definitions define the type family over some part of the domain.

  • Type Families: The Definitive Guide - src
    • Non-generative type can be reduced to other types:

      • Pair a -> (a, a)
      • Non-generative type constructors have arities assigned to them and must be used saturated.
    • Generative type constructor - can't be reduced to another type

      • Maybe Bool ~ Maybe Bool and nothing else

      • We set the kind via a standalone type .... Here, MaybeIf requires something of kind Bool for construction. Therefore, we supply a promoted True to it.

        type MaybeIf :: Bool -> Type -> Type
        type family MaybeIf b t where
          MaybeIf True t = Maybe t
          MaybeIf False t = Identity t
    • Use to implement operations on GADTs (e.g., concatenate lists)

      type HList :: [Type] -> Type
      data HList xs where
        HNil :: HList '[]
        (:&) :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
      infixr 5 :&
      type Append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
      type family Append xs ys where -- header
        Append '[] ys = ys -- clause 1
        Append (x : xs) ys = x : Append xs ys -- clause 2
      happend :: HList xs -> HList ys -> HList (Append xs ys)
      happend = undefined
    • Closed type families

      • The clauses of a closed type family are ordered and matched from top to bottom

      • Overlapping equations

        type And :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
        type family And a b where
          And True True = True
          And _ _ = False
    • Open type families

      • Such families can be extended anywhere
      • The equations of an open type family are either:
        • Not overlapping, so get a combinatorial explosion in patterns:

          type And' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
          type family And' a b
          type instance And' True True = True
          type instance And' True False = False
          type instance And' False True = False
          type instance And' False False = False
        • Compatible:

          • Can make right sides equal and unify left sides via rewriting

            type family G a b
            type instance G a Bool = a -> Bool
            type instance G Char b = Char -> b
            -- ==>
            type instance G Char Bool = Char -> Bool
    • Associated types

      • Almost the same as open type families

      • Can set default values

        type family Unwrap x where
          Unwrap (f a) = a
        class Container2 a where
          type Elem2 a
          -- default
          type Elem2 x = Int
          elements' :: a -> [Elem2 a]
      • Example from string-interpolate

    • Injectivity - get input types from output types

      • Use TypeFamilyDependencies

        type family Not x = r | r -> x where
        -- >>> s @True
    • Data families

      • HaskellWiki

      • Compute new data types (type families compute the existing data types)

        data family Vector a
        newtype instance Vector () = VUnit Int
        newtype instance Vector Int = VInts [Int]
      • Can associate with a class

        class Vectorizable a where
          data Vector_ a
          vlength :: Vector_ a -> Int
        newtype S = S {unS :: [Int]}
        instance Vectorizable S where
          data Vector_ S = Vector_ {unVector_ :: S}
          vlength :: Vector_ S -> Int
          vlength = length . unS . unVector_