Nix Prerequisites

Install Nix

  • Complete all steps from here




I added bookmarks for search engines in my browser, like described here.


Nix repl

Docs are usually left as comments in Nix code. You can find an attribute in nix-repl and look up its comments in a file at a given position.

nix repl
nix-repl> :lf nixpkgs
nix-repl> legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.lib.lists.singleton
«lambda @ /nix/store/24akvz6idhp4lxxvhbfxxq84py30v6bw-source/lib/lists.nix:23:15»

Sometimes, you may evaluate a description or a longDescription of a derivation:

nix-repl> legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.coreutils.meta.longDescription
"The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation\nutilities of the GNU operating system. These are the core utilities which\nare expected to exist on every operating system.\n"

nix commands

Learn about a command:

nix help command

Search for a package description:

nix edit nixpkgs#coreutils

Flake templates

List templates

If a flake.nix contains a valid output templates, these templates can be listed. List flake outputs and search for templates in this (flakes) repository:

nix flake show | grep template
evaluating ''    ├───codium-generic: template: `VSCodium` with extensions and executables
    ├───codium-haskell: template: `VSCodium` with extensions and executables for `Haskell`. Shows 5 ways to run a `Haskell` app.
evaluating ''    ├───codium-haskell-simple: template: `VSCodium` with extensions and executables for `Haskell`.
evaluating ''    ├───codium-python: template: `VSCodium` with extensions and executables for `Python`.
    └───haskell-minimal: template: Minimal flake for a `Haskell` package development.

Use a template

Two ways of copying from templates:

Update a cached template

If you notice that nix flake init, nix flake new, etc. give you an old version of a template, run nix flake lock on that template. This action will force nix to update the cached version of the template somewhere in ~/.cache/nix. - src

Explore a template

Templates can be accessed in Nix store via nix repl:

nix repl
nix-repl> :lf .
nix-repl> templates.<TAB>
nix-repl> templates.codium-generic.path


Templates may contain arbitrary files. This feature enables the following assembly:

nix flake new flake-1 -t flake1
nix flake new flake-2 -t flake2
nix flake new flake-3 -t flake3
cp flake-1/file1 flake-3
cp flake-2/file{2,3} flake-3

Template repositories

  • Templates for many programming languages - src
  • Some more - src
  • Some templates are in this repo


  1. What are flakes? How to enable flakes? - wiki

  2. Nix manual answers the following questions:

    • Glossary
      • What does this term mean?
    • Derivations
      • What are derivations?
        • Something that describes how to create a particular Nix store path
        • A derivation can become an executable, and that executable can be used in build scripts of other derivations
    • Description
      • What are flakes?
        • A flake is a function from inputs into outputs. To take this function at a point, a flake.lock is used
        • Don't confuse 'inputs' and 'outputs' with the terms inputs and outputs.
        • I use 'inputs' and 'outputs' to describe the high-level idea of what a flake is.
        • On the other hand, inputs and outputs have specifications described in Nix manual.
    • Flake inputs:
      • How to use old-style packages as flake inputs?
      • How to declare an input? == How to use a flake in another flake?
      • How to follow an input?
      • How to pin an input?
    • Flake format
      • What can go into outputs?
      • How to access the outputs? (described at the bottom)
      • How can I override nix.conf? - via nixConfig
    • Experimental commands
      • How to explore a flake?
        • nix flake show
        • nix flake metadata
        • nix repl
          • nix-repl> :lf nixpkgs - load flake nixpkgs
      • How to see all derivations used to build a specific derivation?
        • nix show-derivation
      • How can I temporarily make an executable available in my terminal?
        • nix shell
      • How can I install a Nix package on my OS?
        • nix profile
      • How can I pin my global nixpkgs to a specific commit SHA?
        • nix registry
    • And many more questions!
  3. How to add a flake to a project?

    • Nix uses git to track flake files. So, adding a flake.nix to a project requires the following steps:
      1. git init - initialize a git repository
      2. Add flake.nix in some way (copy the existing flake.nix, nix flake init, etc.)
      3. git add flake.nix
      4. Add flake.lock in some way (copy the relevant existing flake.lock, generate a new one via nix flake update, etc.)
      5. git add flake.lock
      6. git commit these files
  4. Flake tutorials: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  5. How to use the same flake inputs in all projects?

    • Store your flake inputs in a repo - example
    • Use them in your projects with follows - example
    • Now, all your projects have the same dependencies since they come from the same source
  6. How to bring any files into a flake?

    1. Hack git
      1. List expected files.
      2. Commit corresponding blank files.
      3. Run git update-index --assume-unchanged <file> for each <file>.
      4. Now, it's possible to import them into flake.
    2. Use Fixed-output derivations (FOD)
  7. How to enable a specific version of nix on my system? Approximately so:

    nix registry remove nix
    nix registry add nix github:NixOS/nix/4bf70b74a78bf10f3f19ed122ae7377963e14003
    nix profile install nix --priority 4
  8. How to pin nixpkgs?

  9. When should I use overlays over nixpkgs? - You shouldn't

  10. How to convert an exising project to flakes? - tutorial

  11. How to use a .gitignored file inside a flake?

    • build with --impure

      zxcTest = prev.writeText "zxcTest" (builtins.readFile /home/name_snrl/nixos-configuration/<fileFromIgnore>);
    • Provide it in inputs. Inputs accept arbitrary files. Make links follow the format of flake inputs

  12. How to disable querying remote binary caches?

    • nix run <installable> --no-substitute


  1. How to set up a development environment? 2. pkgs.mkShell 3. devshell 4. Add environment variables if necessary. E.g., using Nix store paths post 5. Symlink a path from Nix store to make files available to NodeJS - NixOS: The Ultimate Dev Environment?


Nix store caching


  1. Run a binary from nixpkgs:

    nix run nixpkgs#nixpkgs-fmt -- hello-flake/flake.nix

Fixed-output derivation

Making derivations and executables

  1. What is expression, closure, derivation?

  2. How to get a path of a derivation in store in a .nix file?: ${drv}

  3. There are phases

  4. When derivations are built, they may produce executables. Locations of these executables are determined by bash scripts. If you make a derivation you can use buildInputs to specify the derivations you'd like to be accessible during in scripts during phases or in a shellHook

  5. How to access a $out folder of a derivation drv?

    • First of all, you should create such folder, e.g. via a builder
    • Next, you can use it in a script like ${drv.out};
  6. Programs can be specified in buildInputs or called by name {pkgs.hello}/bin/hello

    • This helped me when configuring tasks for VSCodium here
  7. How to wrap an executable to run it with flags?

  8. How to rename an executable and supply runtime dependencies?

    hello =
    pkgs.symlinkJoin {
      name = "hello";
      paths = [ hello ];
      buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
      postBuild = ''
        wrapProgram $out/bin/hello \
          --set PATH ${
            pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [
  9. How to escape a shell/bash command? 2. pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg

  10. How to see binaries that a package provides? 2. find $(nix build nixpkgs#hello --no-link --print-out-paths)/bin -mindepth 1

  11. It's possible to use nix commands inside scripts

    • E.g. nix-instantiate --eval --strict -E "import ./settings.nix" - print contents of a nix file
    • Moreover, one can use pinned nixpkgs: nix run ${pkgs}#nixpkgs-fmt $nix_path
  12. How to package a script? 2. pkgs.writeScriptBin

  13. How to remove build deps from runtime deps?

  14. How to use parallel builds? - docs

  15. cross-compilation

Helper function libs

  1. flake-compat.

    1. Whenever possible, add a flake into a repo, and then use flake-compat to create default.nix and shell.nix
    2. Use it to access scripts from a flake in a child directory - example
  2. flake-utils

  3. nixpkgs.lib

    $ nix repl
    nix-repl> :lf nixpkgs
    nix-repl> lib.or true false
  4. Symlinked things cannot be written or opened. They should first be removed - src

  5. pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage - build a docker image

    1. Pass static executables
    2. Set entrypoint: config.Entrypoint = [ command ]. No need for bash
    3. docker inspect the image

Package code


See Haskell


  1. poetry2nix

    • example
    • It might be necessary to
      • activate an environment for any app in a project - src
      • create envs - src
  2. pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin - SO




  1. spago.nix
    • TODO try